v.2.5.0 (February 4, 2025) Added: You can now drag images into the Crocotile window to import them. Added: "Select Entire Tileset" keybinding in the Tileset panel that will select the entire tileset. Ctrl+A is the default binding. Added: "Copy/Apply Tileset only (not UVs)" option in Edit > Settings > Draw Mode. If enabled, only the tileset will change when eyedropping tiles from the scene, or applying the tilebrush to existing tiles. Added: "Copy/Apply Tileset only (not UVs)" keybinding in Edit > Buttons > Draw Mode. This toggles the corresponding setting. Added: Tileset palettes can now be named. Added: Primitive Spacing inputs in the Transform panel to specify the spacing when using the Primitive brush. If set to 0, it will use the grid rounding value. Added: Customizable colors for vertices in Edit > Settings > Edit Mode panel. Each vertex color option needs to be a different color. Fixed: Pasting translucent pixels in the Painting panel now takes into account the Alpha Application mode. Fixed: Movement in Freelook mode would be incorrect if the camera's up direction was set to a different axis. Fixed: "Next/Previous Prefab" keybindings wouldn't work. Fixed: If vertices were selected, hovering over their UVs in the UVs panel would highlight the vertices red and wouldn't unhighlight them. Fixed: Setting a vertex weight of 0 for a bone wouldn't unassign the bone from the vertex. Now it should. Fixed: If auto-flatten was enabled and dragging a single vertex caused multiple UVs to change, it only created undo states for the single vertex. Now it should apply to all changes. Fixed: Extruding with Alt+E without using the Gizmo wouldn't use gridrounding value. Now it does. Fixed: If a UV animation was given a blank name, it couldn't be named anymore. Fixed: If closing Spinning Gif panel or Movie panel before finished process, it would cause errors. Fixed: Select weighted/unweighted vertices actions wouldn't work on unskinned tiles. v.2.4.9 (January 15, 2025) Added: "minFilter" and "magFilter" filtering options for textures. You can access these options in the "Tileset Material Settings" panel. Added: "Fxaa" (Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing) effect in the Edit > Effects panel. If this effect is enabled, the "Depth of Field" effect won't work. Fixed: Using a larger brush size in the Painting panel would cause the paint color to become black. Fixed: Cloning an Object wouldn't set its shadow property. v.2.4.8 (January 9, 2025) Added: "Exclude Unused Tilesets" option in the Import Scene panel. Added: "Apply tileset to the selected faces" action can now have a custom key binding and can also be pinned. Added: "Keep undocked Animation panel in front" option in the Settings > Animation section. Added: When an object instance,bone, or entity is selected it will now be highlighted in the Animation panel. Removed: "Prevent Duplicate Tileset Names" option in Import Scene panel has been removed. It will now always keep tileset names unique by default. When you rename tilesets, it prevents you from specifying a name that has already been taken anyway, and duplicate names can cause export issues. Changed: The Tileset list, and Palette container heights can now be expanded further. Changed: The Tileset list container can now have a separate size for each of the Tileset, UVs, and Painting panels. Improved: Clicking the x to close the animation window or tileset window will now dock them back to the main window. Improved: When loading Prefabs it will auto rename tilesets if their name already exists. Improved: When Animation panel was undocked, the Edit > Windows > Animation menu item would open an empty panel. Fixed: When the option "Painting right-mouse function" is set in the Tileset settings, single-clicks wouldn't work properly when painting to the canvas. Fixed: The Next button for the bottom tileset in the "Combine Tileset" panel would go to the previous tileset instead of the next one. Fixed: Subdivide action would apply to tiles that had vertices selected even if the face wasn't. Now it only should apply to selected faces. Fixed: A duplicate tileset name wouldn't get renamed if any succeeding tilesets had the same name. v.2.4.7 (December 14, 2024) Improved: Made changes to how Crocotile loads. Improved: The painting panel's Eyedrop modifier key will now also activate if 3d viewport is in focus. Fixed: "Add New Action" menu item for multiple Entities wouldn't work at first. Fixed: Bones that were pinned in the timeline wouldn't get repinned when loading the scene. Fixed: Exporting with the "Use power of 2 textures" option enabled would result with some textures potentially having incorrect UVs. v.2.4.6f (December 10, 2024) Fixed: If monitor screen was being scaled, it would cause vertices to become unselectable. v.2.4.6e (December 9, 2024) Fixed: If the resolution of the viewport was set below 100%, it would cause flickering. v.2.4.6d (December 8, 2024) Fixed: Loading a scene would crash if a UV Animation was currently selected in the previous scene. Fixed: Adding new frames to UV animations wouldn't set their coordinates properly. Fixed: Zooming wouldn't properly center in canvas for older builds. v.2.4.6c (December 7, 2024) Fixed: Couldn't load scenes that contained Tile palettes or UV animations. Fixed: Loading scenes after loading another scene could cause crash. Fixed: Rectangular fill tool wouldn't work when tileset wrapping mode was set to repeat. v.2.4.6b (December 7, 2024) Fixed: Autosaves weren't occurring. v.2.4.6 (December 7, 2024) Improved: Updated NWjs to a more recent version. This might help the program run better. Improved: Painting vertex weights wouldn't overwrite values assigned to bones that didn't exist anymore. Fixed: Undoing an Imported Scenes would fail to remove single tiles that weren't a part of an Object. Fixed: Rectangle Fill tool would place tiles innaccurately when camera was pointed down/up if tileset had its wrapping mode set to Repeat/Mirrored. Fixed: Hidden tiles would still show wireframe if mode was enabled. Fixed: Right-clicking a vertex would select it even though the context-menu opens. v.2.4.5 (November 24, 2024) Added: "Open Tileset Location" option in the Tileset menu. This will open the location of the tileset that was originally loaded if it was imported from an external file. Added: If a tileset's texture wrapping is set to Repeat or Mirrored Repeat, the Rectangle Fill operation will place just one tile with its UVs sized to the rectangle. Improved: "Copy UV" and "Apply UV" keybindings now fire regardless of whether the 3d viewport is focused. This will help prevent accidentally placing tiles when clicking the viewport. Improved: Trackpad scroll action in the Tileset,UVs, and Painting panel would zoom too quickly. Fixed: Tiles edited within Objects would set their cast shadows/receive shadow properties to true even if Object had those disabled. Fixed: Shader error related to a duplicate variable. Fixed: If Crocotile loaded other default tilesets when creating new projects, the tilebrush's UVs could be set incorrectly initially. Fixed: Skinned Objects wouldn't cast shadows or be lit by lights. Fixed: Mirrored tiles couldn't be deleted after merging the mirrored tiles into an Object. Fixed: Primitive tool wouldn't reset orientation when tilt mode was disabled. The rotation was also inaccurate in certain cases. Fixed: The yellow box that is visible when editing an Object would show up when rendering an image. Fixed: Paint filling operations in UVs panel wouldn't get applied along the bottom edge of the tileset image. Fixed: When pressing Shift and Spacebar simultaneously while using the Rectangle Fill tool, it could cause the fill to become messed up. Fixed: Tilebrush position wouldn't return to mouse position after Rectangle Fill action until mouse moved. Fixed: Primitive brush would get stuck on the axis if viewing from 45 degrees. v.2.4.4 (October 31, 2024) Added: "Rectangle Fill" action. Hold Shift and click and drag while using the Tilebrush to place a rectangular area of tiles. You can also erase with right mouse button. The modifier key can be changed in Buttons > Draw Mode > Rectangle Fill. Added: "Round to Precision" and "Round to Grid" actions in UVs panel. These can be found in the context-menu when right=clicking the canvas, or by pressing their keybindings (alt+o and ctrl+o). The keybindings can be customized in the Edit > Buttons > UVs section. Added: "Camera-based when single-clicking" option in Edit > Settings > Edit Mode section. If enabled, it will make single-clicks act as if Camera-based selection is active. This is enabled by default. Added: "Disable Gizmo Temporarily" keybinding in Edit > Buttons > Edit mode. When the key is held, you won't be able to interact with the Gizmo. This can help prevent clicking the Gizmo when selecting if the keybinding is set to Shift for example. Added: "Cast Against" option in Baking panel for lights to check against Objects. Fixed: Textures for gltf/glb/dae were exported even though "Export all textures" option was disabled. Fixed: Saving would cause the faces,edges,vertices,bones or instances inside Skinned objects to become deselected if the object was currently being edited. Fixed: The dropdown items in the Skin section of the Transform panel were being sized incorrectly on some linux machines causing the buttons to be cut off. Fixed: Repositioning an Object's origin point while editing the object caused an error which resulted in some visual discrepencies of the tiles and other potential issues. Also fixed an error when undoing/redoing it while editing the Object. Fixed: Changing the origin point of an Object wouldn't update its mirrored tiles if the Object had that property enabled. Fixed: Undoing an imported scene would fail to remove tiles that weren't part of any object. Fixed: The Gizmo didn't reposition with the selection when using q,e,r,f keys to rotate,mirror,flip. Fixed: Importing models that contain objects that are scaled/transformed would cause issues with vertices displaying incorrectly when editing the Object. Fixed: In some cases after first running the app the viewport wouldn't refresh accurately when hovering over things. Fixed: When Alt+Tabbing from an input box, the Alt modifier key wasn't reset causing it to do 0.01 increments/decrements when Shift was held. Fixed: Holding Ctrl to select nearest vertex when clicking on face wouldn't work if face selection is disabled. Fixed: Could momentarily select vertices when holding Ctrl and clicking face even if Vertex selection was disabled. v.2.4.3 (October 10, 2024) Added: Buttons next to the UV Tilesize, UV Padding, and 3D Tilescale inputs. They toggle whether the values are linked. If linked, changing one value will set them all to the same value so that you don't have to change each one. Added: "Open Recent List" keybinding. This will open a list of recent scenes. Improved: Performance should be improved when rotating/panning/zooming the Camera or using Freelook mode. Improved: Now the Buttons panel won't reorder the keys when setting a keybinding that uses multiple keys. This should allow a bit more flexibility in some cases, but may need further testing. Improved: When "Deselect when clicked nothing" is enabled, holding the "Select Multiple" key will prevent deselecting. Fixed: Couldn't click on decals if they were positioned against an object. Fixed: When "Disable Face selection" was enabled edges became difficult to click. Fixed: In some cases, using the q and e keys in Freelook mode wouldn't activate if already moving. Fixed?: Some inputs would get set to NaN if the value entered wasn't a valid number. v.2.4.2 (September 16, 2024) Added: Save/Load uv animation options in the UV Animation menu. Check UV Animations section of the documentation for details about the menu options. Fixed: Repositioning the Origin point of an animated/skinned model would cause bones/children to become offset. Fixed: The Painting panel could freeze after panning if the Setting > Tileset > "Painting Right Mouse Function" was set to "Secondary". This is now fixed. Fixed: When rendering a movie gif, resetting the background color wouldn't work. Fixed: If user was using a Steam version, closing Steam would prevent Crocotile from saving even if Steam was restarted. This should be improved. v.2.4.1 (August 23, 2024) Added: "Brush Size (scrollwheel)" keybinding in Edit > Buttons > Painting panel. You can set a key to hold and then use the scrollwheel to change the brush size in the Painting panel. Added: "Freelook Mode" keybinding now has a "Mode" setting that has the options of "Toggle" and "Hold". If Hold is selected, then freelook will be active while holding the key, otherwise Freelook is simply toggled on/off. Fixed: If a Camera had a parent and it was animated, the camera's position and direction would update correctly. Fixed: An issue when rotating/flipping/mirroring the tilebrush would cause it to become misaligned to the grid in certain cases. v.2.4.0 (August 18, 2024) Added: "Backface Culled Vertex Selection" option in Edit > Settings > Edit Mode (Enabled by default). It allows vertices being clickable/draggable if tiles are facing away from camera. If camera-based selection is disabled, vertices are clickable/draggable regardless of the setting. Added: Sine interpolation modes for animation keyframes can now be used. This is useful for a piston style of motion for example. Added: "Edge (strict)" option in the Extrude section of the Transform panel. This option is located in the Edge mode dropdown list. It will make extrusions from edges be more strict and directed perpendicular to the face normal. Though this may cause misaligned vertices due to not averaging the directions between edges. Added: Default keybindings are now shown in Edit > Buttons panel. This should help users restore keybindings to their original values if they want. Added: "Rotate Left Separately" and "Rotate Right Separately" actions in the UVs panel context menu. This will rotate each selected UV part separately and not as a group. Added: "Rotate Left Separately" (Alt+Q) and "Rotate Right Separately" (Alt+E) keybindings available while UVs panel is focused. You can also rebind these actions in the Edit > Buttons panel. Added: "Invert Selection (vertices)" and "Invert Selection (faces)" actions as well as keybindings. You can access these in the Edit mode context-menu under the Vertices and Faces submenus. The bindings can also be set in the Edit > Buttons > Edit Mode panel, and can also be pinned. Improved: How To and Localization pages now can switch quickly between current language being edited and English if you press F8. Fixed: Clicking vertices of backface culled tiles (tiles facing away from camera) wouldn't reposition crosshair if camera-based selection was enabled. "Backface Culled Vertex Selection" setting must also be enabled now (It is enabled by default). Fixed: Vertices weren't draggable from behind (if tiles faces away from camera) if camera-based selection mode was disabled. Fixed: Importing gltf/glb models would cause duplicate tilesets if they already existed in the project. Fixed: Audio files previously loaded would still play if a new scene was loaded. Fixed: "Push Group Against" would push the entire tile if at least one vertex or edge was selected. Now it correctly pushes only what is selected. v.2.3.9 (July 23, 2024) Added: "Mirror Separately" and "Flip Separately" actions in the UVs panel context menu. This will mirror/flip each selected UV part separately and not as a group. Added: "Mirror Separately" (Alt+R) and "Flip Separately" (Alt+F) keybindings available while UVs panel is focused. You can also rebind these actions in the Edit > Buttons panel. Added: "Keep Instance Names Unique" option in the Edit > Settings > Scene. This option will prevent duplicate Instance names. Fixed: In some rare cases a bug could have prevented saving or exporting due to a material becoming null. Fixed: Tile Splitting value was clamped to the UV Tilesize values. Now it is set irrespective of the UV Tilesize values. Fixed: "Export Static Pose" and "Use Single Mesh" options in Export panel weren't working correctly in some cases. v.2.3.8 (July 9, 2024) Improved: Tiles will have vertices aligned more precisely and with less floating point errors when placed into the scene. This should reduce the likelihood of small gaps forming. Fixed: Baking lights would crash the app if the scene consisted of just a plane of tiles or lacked dimension in one or more axis. Fixed: Sticky brush wouldn't be angled correctly when holding Shift key in some cases. Fixed: Sticky tool should size tiles more appropriately if "Sticky Edge Proportionate" is enabled. v.2.3.7b (June 20, 2024) Fixed: The properties panel for Lights/Cameras wouldn't display all the properties. v.2.3.7 (June 9, 2024) Added: Cameras, Lights, and their Targets can now be parented to an Object instance or Bone. Added: Audio files can now be linked into the project and provide a basic way to get sound played in the Animation/Theatre panels. Choose "Add Audio" in the Scene panel dropdown menu. Then open the properties of the Audio item to set how it plays. Added: "Duplicate" action for duplicating a bone or instance. Added: "Duplicate All" action for duplicating a bone or instance and any nested bones or instances. Added: "Mirror" action for mirroring a bone or instance, or their animations. Added: "Mirror All" action for mirroring the properties or animations of a bone/instance and any nested bones/instances. Added: "Select/Deselect Vertices using current Color" keybinding to the Edit > Buttons > Edit Mode panel. Added: "Select Overlapping Faces" keybinding to the Edit > Buttons > Edit Mode panel. Improved: Selecting/deselecting Bones now have their corresponding items highlighted in the Scene panel. Improved: Duplicating any Object Instances will now also duplicate any animations that it has. v.2.3.6 (April 18, 2024) Added: "Select Overlapping Faces" action in the Edit mode context-menu. Right-click the viewport in Edit mode and go to Faces > Select > "Select Overlapping Faces" to use this action. Improved: Dragging a vertex will now choose a selected vertex first if dragging from a group of overlapping vertices. If none are selected, it will choose a vertex belonging to a selected face. If no faces are selected, it will just choose the first unselected vertex. Fixed: If vertex color space was set to sRGB, it wouldn't export vertex colors correctly in the .DAE format. Fixed: If "Disable Vertex Selection" was enabled you would still be able to select/move vertices with WASD keys if mouse hadn't moved after clicking it. Fixed: If importing a model with an extension that used capital letters, it would fail to load. v.2.3.5 (March 21, 2024) Added: Exporting Dae files with vertex colors will now include the alpha value. Added: Render Movie panel now has background color options for Gif format, including a transparent option. Added: "Use Transparent mode for Tilebrush" to Edit > Settings > Draw mode. If this is enabled, the Tilebrush will use the same transparent mode of the Tileset. Improved: Importing models should handle nested meshes better. The imported model will still be combined into one object however. Improved: Steam users that run Crocotile without Steam running can activate Crocotile after logging into Steam (without closing Crocotile). Previously, Steam had to be running first before starting Crocotile. Fixed: When selecting UV animations, the tilebrush wouldn't display any changes, making it unclear which UV animation was currently chosen. Fixed: Exported .obj files would sometimes create wrong texture dimensions when using the power of 2 option and possibly in other cases too. Fixed: Reset button in Spin Gif panel wasn't resetting the color. v.2.3.4 (March 9, 2024) Fixed: In some cases loading a project that has Objects with Skinning enabled would position the skeleton incorrectly (the root bone would be posed incorrectly). Fixed: If tiles were moved/rotated without changing the vertex geometry auto-flatten would still apply. Now it shouldn't if the geometry doesn't change shape. v.2.3.3 (February 29, 2024) Added: "Auto-Flatten UVs when editing Vertices" option in Edit > Settings > Edit Mode section. If enabled, it will basically adjust the UV coordinates of the vertices as you are transforming/editing them in the 3d scene, expanding or contracting the UVs so that they match the shape of the geometry. You can also set/pin a keybinding for "Toggle Auto Flatten" in Edit > Buttons > Edit Mode, which will toggle this mode on/off. Added: "Select tiles (UVs contain mouse position)" in context-menu of UVs panel. This will select tiles in the scene that have UVs overlapping the current mouse position in the UVs panel. Fixed: Rendering a movie with an Act that has no length would cause it to get stuck if there were UV animations used in the scene. It wasn't able to calculate which UV frame to render when the Act was empty. Fixed: .mtl files couldn't use texture names with commas. Now exporting .obj files will remove any invalid characters. Fixed: Importing a scene while editing an object would cause imported objects to place tiles into the edited object instead. Now it will exit editing objects before importing. Fixed: If crosshair wasn't at 0,0,0 then importing scenes wouldn't import objects correctly. Now it will auto-set the crosshair to 0,0,0 as a workaround. v.2.3.2 (February 21, 2024) Improved: Primitive Brush tool will now show a wireframe if wireframe mode is enabled. Fixed: Adding bones to a Skeleton wouldn't update correctly in some cases, causing skin weights to not correctly apply until project was saved and reloaded. Fixed: When clicking objects with local axis aligned mode enabled, Tilt mode would stay tilted in some cases. Fixed: After editing the properties of a Spotlight, the visual helper lines wouldn't update immediately. v.2.3.1 (February 18, 2024) Fixed?: Sometimes entities such as bones would be repositioned incorrectly when undoing/redoing any reparenting/moving in the scene list. Fixed: Bones/lights/cameras could be removed from the scene list and become unselectable when the lists were refreshed due to incorrect indices. v.2.3.0 (February 14, 2024) Added: "Cast Against" option in the Baking vertex color panel. You can choose to have the raycasts of the Ambient Occlusion hit visible object instances, or just the tiles. Fixed: Setting the scale of instances to 0 would cause NaN values, resulting in unresponsive instances and in some cases the inability to reset them. Fixed: Using the Gizmo to rotate instance/bones with 0 scale would cause NaN values. Fixed: Reparenting an instance with scale of 0 and then undoing it would cause the instance to have NaN values. Fixed: Middle-click wouldn't pan correctly in Tileset panel if clicked outside of tileset canvas. Fixed: Applying vertex colors to extruded edges would result with incorrect values. Fixed: On MacOS, copy/pasting in Painting panel would result with incorrect colors. v.2.2.9 (February 7, 2024) Added: "Copy/Apply UVs (relative mode)" option in Edit > Settings > Draw Mode. This option changes the way you Copy/Apply UVs of tiles by estimating the orientation so that you don't have to rotate the tilebrush. Added: "Show UVs of unselected tiles" option in Edit > Settings > Tilesets. When enabled, this will allow all tiles to have their UVs shown regardless of whether they are selected or not. Added: Hold Alt to maintain the aspect ratio when scaling UVs with the mouse. Added: "Import Scale (non-native files)" option in the Edit > Settings > Scene settings. Improved: The UVs "Pack" action now can apply padding between the UVs, and the action also optimizes the space a bit better too. v.2.2.8 (January 22, 2024) Added: RGBA Vertex colors. You can now use the alpha value to get transluscent vertex coloring on your tiles if the tileset's Transparent option is enabled. Added: Search bar in the Edit > Buttons panel. It will search all keybindings, and you can even search for the key combinations and mouse options. You can also exclude words by prefixing them with a "-" sign. You can also search for pinned actions by including the "pinned" word. Added: Right-mouse painting option in Edit > Settings > Tilesets. This allows you to use the secondary color when pressing the right-mouse button. Added: Select All (Ctrl+A) action in Painting panel to select all canvas. You can edit the keybinding in Edit > Buttons > Tilesets > Select All. Added: "Move Instance to Crosshair" action. You can access this action by selecting an object instance and right-clicking to open context menu and selecting "Move Instance to Crosshair." You can also bind a key in the Edit > Buttons > Edit mode > Move Instance to Crosshair section. Fixed: Extruding wouldn't extrude correctly when tile was reversed/flipped/mirrored. v.2.2.7 (January 6, 2024) Added: Choose the folder where backup files will be saved. Go to Edit > Settings > General > Backup folder. Added: "Select/deselect all (specific)" options in the scene instance list context-menu. Selects/deselects all nested instances of a specific object type. Added: "Merge Edge (safe), Merge Edge (forced)" keybinding options to the Edit > Buttons > Edit Mode panel as well as pin options. Added: "Clone Tileset" option to the Tileset menu now makes it simpler to duplicate a tileset. Added: "Link exported Tilesets" setting will link exported tilesets to crocotile file so that they can be refreshed if changes are made to the file. Edit > Settings > Tilesets > Link exported Tilesets. Added: "Link imported Tilesets" setting. This has always been active in the past, but now there is an option to disable it if you want. Improved: Animated gltf/glb files with skinned objects should import better. Godot had issues importing them in some cases, but should work fine now. Improved: Exported .obj files will have duplicate vt and vn data removed. Improved: If a bone somehow has missing data, it will still attempt to load it. Improved: Camera state before rendering movie will now be restored afterwards. Improved: Adding new layers, objects, lights, and cameras in the Scene panel will place them after any currently selected item and will scroll them into view and select them in the list. Objects will be deselected after a second to prevent tilerush from changing. Changed: Spotlight's shadow far value is removed due to Spotlight's distance value overriding it. Fixed: If .obj was excluded from export filename on linux, it wouldn't export the .mtl and .png files. Fixed: When loading scenes, some properties of lights would not get set correctly. Fixed: Cloned lights wouldn't set their shadow properties correctly. Fixed: Resizing UVs with Alt+Shift wouldn't render the resize lines when resizing from the sides. Fixed: Dragging items in the Scene panel would sometimes move items to the wrong list if dragged quickly. Fixed: Select/Deselect All from instance list context-menu wouldn't select/deselect instances that were nested inside bones. Fixed: When toggling Tilt mode off after having tilted it, objects would still rotate relative to the tilt. Fixed: When rendering movie clips, bones/cameras/lights wouldn't become deselected. Fixed: In some cases, collapsed triangles would cause the UV unwrapping action to get stuck in an endless loop as it tried to separate the tile groups. v.2.2.6c (November 29, 2023) Fixed: Projects would fail to load Theatre segments that used the * actor. v.2.2.6b (November 29, 2023) Added: Ctrl+Mousewheel to move Playhead to next/previous keyframe in Animation panel. Added: "Previous Keyframe" and "Next Keyframe" keybindings in Edit > Buttons > Timeline panel. Fixed: If auto-keyframe was enabled, it would add keyframes to all entities in the timeline even if they weren't selected. Fixed: When deleting values from Property inputs in Transform panel and auto-key is enabled, selected entities would disappear and become unresponsive. Improved: Entity position/rotation/scale states are saved/loaded between Paused/Stopped animation state. This is intended to help prevent entities from losing their positions,orientation,scale. Improved: Theatre segments added from * will be sized to the longest action duration automatically. v.2.2.6 (November 26, 2023) Added: You can now play Actions in the Theatre panel by name. Just select the "*" option in the Actor list, and then the Action list will contain all the actions. Select an action and add it to the timeline. Added: "Deselect all Keyframes with single click" option in Edit > Settings > Animation panel. Added: "Deselect all Keyframes before multi-selecting" option in Edit > Settings > Animation panel. Added: "Hide/Show Instance List" option in a menu at bottom of Scene panel. Added: Zoom beyond 3200% up to 25600% on the Tileset/UVs/Painting panels. Added: "Select All" Ctrl+A and "Deselect All" Ctrl+D to animation/theatre panel. Added: Rebindable keys (copy,paste,select all, deselect all) for animation/theatre panel in Edit > Buttons > Timeline. Improved: When Command key is held down on Mac computers, keyup events won't fire. To work around this, when Command is released all other keys that were held will fire keyup events. Improved: Rotating and panning the camera would cause unnecessary mouse events to run, which would slow things down. Improved: Optimized the use of grid-lines on the Painting/UVs panels. Improved: Removed the /.mtl text from Export panel when .gltf,.glb,.dae formats are selected. Fixed: Moving with WASD keys would sometimes move wrong way after rotating camera. Fixed: If animation panel was closed, it would cause the scene to lag if there were a lot of elements in the timeline. Fixed: It would somtimes fail to add weights to segments in the Theatre panel. Fixed: Duplicating keyframes via Alt+dragging would potentially cause issues. Fixed: Loading a scene that uses a different Base Pixel Unit size would cause the grid-rounding value to be set inaccurately. Fixed: When using a different scale while exporting, object instance positions could be inaccurate. Fixed: Translating via the Transform panel wouldn't apply to certain entities. v.2.2.5b (November 11, 2023) Fixed: An issue loading settings when starting Crocotile would cause it to fail to start in some cases. v.2.2.5 (November 11, 2023) Added: A new Action list at top of the Animation panel that lists all Actions belonging to the entities listed in the timeline. Selecting from this list will select the Action for all the entities. Added: New configure menu at top of Animation panel with options to "Add New Action" to all the listed entities in the timeline, "Remove Action" for removing an action from all the listed entities, and "Rename Action" for renaming an action in each listed entity in the timeline. Added: "Add To Scene based on Camera and Tilt" option in Edit > Settings > Scene. By default, Objects and Instances won't be added with any rotation if added via the Scene panel's context-menus. Added: "Auto Keyframe only when paused" option in Edit > Settings > Animation. By default it is enabled, but it can be disabled to work in both Stopped and Paused modes. Added: Alt+drag to duplicate animation keyframes and drag them to new position. Added: Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V to copy/paste animation keyframes. Added: Ability to Save/Load Settings and Pinned buttons in the Settings panel and Buttons panel. Improved: Copy/paste of keyframes is now relative to the playhead position. Improved: Pasted keyframes will be selected. Improved: Pauseing and Stopping animations will now refresh the objects to ensure changes are accurately made in those states. Improved: When "Export UV Animations" is unchecked, it won't include the custom vertex attributes in the exported gltf/glb/dae files. Improved: Alt+C now snap the crosshair to the vertices of an object. There is an option in Edit > Settings > General > Snap Crosshair to Instance Origin, if you want it to snap to the origin point instead. Fixed: Clicking the Gizmo while an Animation is paused would sometimes cause selected objects to change orientation. Fixed: When adding keyframes to an Action, the Animation wouldn't be refreshed correctly, causing Objects to appear with incorrect orientations. Fixed: Undo/redo would apply while animation is paused as if it is in stopped state, causing default orientations to be changed. Fixed: When autosaving/saving, it would reset the animation to stopped state(then return to paused), losing any posing you were doing in paused state. Fixed: When undoing, posed bones would reset in some cases. Fixed: Deleting an object prefab with rigged bones and then undoing would reset the pose. Fixed: Saving while editing bones inside Object-Edit mode wouldn't save changes due to the bones being unbound in that state. Fixed: Gizmo wouldn't update position/rotation when pausing in Animation panel. Fixed: Gizmo wouldn't update sometimes when entering or exiting object-edit mode. Fixed: Applying transforms to entities from the Transform panel wouldn't trigger the Auto Keyframe if enabled. Fixed: "Orient UVs" action was not undoable. Fixed: In some cases when minimizing and maximizing the window, panels wouldn't be sized correctly, which could also cause the gui to have incorrect alignments. v.2.2.4 (October 16, 2023) Added: Scale mode for selected UVs when holding Shift+Alt. You can now scale UVs via the mouse. Scaling will be relative to the crosshair position. Added: "Pack" action in UVs panel to organize the selected uvs within the tileset bounds. Connected UVs will stay grouped together. Right-click to open context-menu and choose Transform > Pack. Added: Keybindings for selecting a specific tab in the sidepanel ("Open Next Panel", "Open Previous Panel", "Open Tileset Panel", "Open UVs Panel", "Open Painting Panel", "Open Transform Panel", "Open Scene Panel"). You can bind a key for these in the Edit > Buttons > General section. Improved: Subdivide panel inputs can be adjusted with mousewheel/arrow keys. Fixed: Importing .obj models without an .mtl file would fail. Fixed: When "Deselect when single clicking" is enabled, the Gizmo wouldn't always reposition itself. Fixed: "Properties" section in the Transform panel wouldn't apply position or rotation to objects. This was caused by a recent change, but is fixed now. NW.js: Updated the nwjs to version 80, except for the builds marked with "_old" suffix and also the arm version. v.2.2.3 (September 27, 2023) Added: "Remove Unused Tilesets" option in the Tileset menu. This will remove any Tilesets that haven't been used in the scene or any Objects, including Objects that haven't been added to the scene. Added: "Combine Matching Tilesets" option in the Tileset menu. This will combine all tilesets that match the currently select tileset. Useful for removing multiple duplicates of the same tileset. Added: "Toggle Render Vertex Colors" keybinding/pin for toggling vertex colors for currently selected tileset. Go to Edit > Buttons > General > Toggle Render Vertex Colors to assign a binding/pin. Added: "Keep UV pixel scale when reassigned tileset" option to prevent UVs from becoming stretched if tilesets have different dimensions. Go to Edit > Settings > Tilesets > "Keep UV pixel scale when reassigned tileset". Added: In Transform panel there are now "Link" buttons next to the Resize,Scale,Size inputs. If toggled on, all x,y,z components will be set when one is edited. Added: On Mac, Meta+A,Meta+C,Meta+V,Meta+X should now work in most input boxes. Added: Holding Shift+Alt will increment/decrement input by 0.01 when you use scroll wheel or up/down arrow keys. Improved: Using the Pencil tool to draw directly on the 3d tiles wouldn't apply alpha correctly based on the Alpha Application setting. Now it will. Fixed: Sometimes importing older scenes would fail due to checking for new data that it didn't have. Fixed: Modifier keys wouldn't work with inputs when side panel was undocked, unless input was focused. v.2.2.2 (September 13, 2023) Added: "Show/Hide All Bones" keybinding and option in Scene dropdown menu. To add binding go to Edit > Buttons > General > Hide/Show All Bones. Nested instances that are children of bones will still render. Added: A setting to control whether the alpha value gets sampled when eyedropping colors from the tileset. This can be toggled in the Edit > Settings > Tileset section, or by selecting the Eyedropper tool and clicking the corresponding button at the top of the Painting panel. Added: Keybinding and context-menu option for automatically checkmarking objects in the export objects panel that are currently selected. Go to Edit > Buttons > General > Export Selected Objects, to set a keybinding, or right-click a selected object in the 3d scene and choose Export Selected Objects. Improved: Some inputs in Transform panel wouldn't apply if left blank. They now get set to 0 when the input box loses focus. Improved: Removed the darkening effect behind light properties panel so that changes to the light can be seen clearly. Fixed: Setting the Primitive brush to a Cylinder shape with a Y size of 0 would cause errors and prevent placing them into the scene. Fixed: Loading color palettes would sometimes fail due to not correctly parsing the data. Fixed: Importing .obj models would fail to load textures if the mtl file was named differently from the obj. Fixed: Importing some .obj models with quads would fail to detect quads due to parsing the paths incorrectly. Fixed: If Toggle Camera mode was enabled, keybindings "cardinal rotate left/right/etc" didn't work. Fixed: Invalid filename characters such as / in object names would cause issues when exporting. These will be replaced with _ characters. v.2.2.1 (September 3, 2023) Added: Auto Keyframe button has been added to the Animation panel. When toggled on, and when timeline is in the Paused state, it will automatically add keyframes to the currently selected Actions when objects or entities are transformed. Added: Timescale setting for Theatre segments. This allows playing segments faster or slower, or in reverse. Double-click the listed item on the left side of the Theatre panel to open the segment's properties panel. Added: Loop button to the Animation and Theatre panels. When toggled on, the Playhead will return to 0 after reaching the end of Actions/Acts. Added: Clicking the camera rotation buttons when holding Space+Shift will swivel the camera to nearest 45 degree. Improved: Hollow Vertex selection will now work even if Disable Vertex Selection is set. Improved: Buttons panel now can be expanded horizontally to help fit the words from the selection menu. v.2.2.0 (August 31, 2023) Added: "Import Scene" option in the File menu. This allows you to import entire scenes into other crocotile projects. You can also specify which objects from the scene get imported. Added: New actions for rotating a selection based on the rotation interval value. Go to Edit > Buttons > Edit Mode > "Rotate Selection Right/Left Interval" to set their keybindings. Added: Orient UVs action. A simple implementation to ensure that selected square tiles have a matching orientation to their UVs. While in Edit mode, right-click and go to UVs > Orient UVs. Improved: You can now split tiles without being in Active-edit mode. Just hold Alt+S and then hover over a tile and left-click to split it. Fixed: Primitive brush wouldn't use the size values to determine spacing of the brush. Fixed: Couldn't remove tilesets after deconstructing instances. Fixed: Pinned buttons such as "Select Triangular Tiles" would show name as undefined. v.2.1.9 (August 15, 2023) Added: 'Select/Deselect Tile UVs' action to select/deselect uvs of the tile being hovered over. Tile must have its face selected first so that it can be displayed in the UVs panel. Key binding can be set by going to Edit > Buttons > Edit Mode > Select/Deselect Tile UVs. Fixed: When undocking/docking side panel, the Primitive section in the transform panel wouldn't load for certain shapes. Fixed: When pressing ~ key to focus the 3d viewport, it wouldn't work when an input box was currently focused. Fixed: A shadow's Near value for Lights defaulted to 0.5 units, Causing lights to not cast shadows if surfaces are closer than 0.5 units to the light. The near/far values for each light is now definable in the light's properties panel, and the default Near value is now 0.01 Fixed: Hiding/showing/locking/reordering any object in the Scene panel would cause any selected instance to be in an unselected state even though it was highlighted. Also would occur when expanding or collapsing any Layer. Fixed: Tilting the crosshair with Shift+T and T wouldn't work in Draw mode. Fixed: Models that were exported without vertex colors would appear black when loaded in as a viewcube. Fixed: When loading Crocotile via a project file in a directory, creating a new scene would just reload the project. Fixed: There was an issue with UV Animation data being null in some case, causing other issues when removing tilesets. v.2.1.8 (August 2, 2023) Added: Randomization section to the Transform panel. Vertex positions can have a random x,y,z translation applied. Objects can also have their rotation and scale randomized. Check the documentation and video demonstration for more details. Added: When scaling in two axis via the gizmo, holding Shift will keep it proportional. The keybinding can be changed in Edit > Buttons > Edit Mode > Gizmo Keep Proportional. Added: 'Overlapped Vertex Selection' option in Edit > Settings > Edit Mode. This option allows vertices, considered to be hidden from the camera, to be selected/deselected if they share a position with a vertex that is visible. This option requires extra processing. Added: 'Triangle Merge (safe/forced)' bindable keys and pinnable buttons. Edit > Buttons > Edit Mode > Triangle Merge. Added: 'Select Triangular Tiles' bindable key and pinnable button. Edit > Buttons > Edit Mode > Select Triangular Tiles. Added: 'Add to Scene' keybinding and pinnable buttons to the Edit > Buttons > Edit Mode > Add to Scene. Improved: When adding frames to UV animations, the new frames will be centered in the viewport (and rounded to the nearest tilespace). The same will occur when adding new UV animations, the default frame will be centered in the viewport. Fixed: Instances added to the scene via the "Add to Scene" action will align with the Tilt of the 3d crosshair if it is tilted. Fixed: "Orient Prefab Brush to Camera" option in Settings > Draw Mode, will not also apply to Primitive Brush. Fixed: Couldn't set keybinding for selecting the Primitive tool. Fixed: Ctrl+A wouldn't select all in the inputs of Transform panel. Fixed: If the default UV Animation used by an 8 direction Object is removed, the viewport would freeze until that operation was undone or the Object is removed. Fixed: When exporting, sometimes UVs would become messed up if the tileset was very large or if there were collapsed triangles along edges of tiles when using the Spacing parameter. v.2.1.7 (July 14, 2023) Added: 8 Direction feature for billboard sprites! Enable in the Object's properties panel within the Billboard section. You can also choose which directions to enable/disable. Simply add the corresponding suffix to your UV Animations. For more information check the documentation and the youtube video. Fixed: Importing prefabs wouldn't take into account the base unit pixel size. Fixed: The Export Scale value wasn't being applied to animated position data. Fixed: Loading scenes that have a grid rounding value stored might result with an incorrect grid rounding value when loaded from a new scene (after opening crocotile). This should be fixed now? Fixed: When scaling objects or bones to 0, it would cause issues such as objects/skinned vertices disappearing, as well as being unselectable or unscalable. Fixed: Scaling from 0 with the Gizmo wouldn't work. v.2.1.6 (July 3, 2023) Added: Options in Edit > Settings > Project, to specify whether to save/load uv tilesize/gridrounding for each project. Added: The new render orthgraphic options are now available in the Render < Movie panel as well. Added: Keybindings for opening Edit > Render > Camera, Spin Gif, and Movie panels. These can be assigned in the Edit > Buttons > General panel. Changed: Exporting .gltf or .glb will now use a default Metallic material property of 0.0 and Roughness of 1.0, prior to this change they were 0.5 and 0.5 respectively. Changed: Accumulated Time on a project is now updated every minute instead of 5 minutes so that it can be more accurate. Fixed: Camera markers in Theatre panel wouldn't switch properly if newly added cameras were placed before previously added cameras. Fixed: Rendering Orthographic cameras with Frustum Adjustment set to Viewport wouldn't render properly in some cases. Fixed: When extruding, vertex colors weren't being copied to the new tiles. v.2.1.5 (June 26, 2023) Added: New Render camera option for Orthographic cameras: "Frustum Adjustment". This allows greater control over how they get rendered. Can be set to "None", "Viewport", or "Base Pixel Unit." Added: Render camera option to keep pixels unscaled for Orthographic cameras. Set the Frustum Adjustment to "Base Pixel Unit." Added: Export option to choose between sRGB and Linear color space for vertex colors (for .obj and .dae format). Added: Resolution input option for gif spin to specify exact size. Added: Accumulated time spent working on a scene. It will accumulate the time every 5 minutes if new changes have been made. Time is dispayed in lower-right corner of viewport. Added: "Select/Deselect Tiles using current Tileset" action is now bindable in the Edit > Buttons > Edit mode panel. Added: "Select Faces within normal range" action now has a pinnable button. Changed: "Deselect faces within normal range" now can be used via hotkey while hovering over a tile. Fixed: Pasting a selection in Painting panel would autoselect the Move tool. This was due to changes made in last update related to how keybindings were handled. It should be fixed now though. Fixed: Exporting .dae files wouldn't keep the object hierarchy structure. Fixed: Exporting as .gltf/.glb/.dae while editing an object would cause duplicate tiles in the model. Fixed: Switching tilesets, or selecting new tiles on tileset wouldn't deselect any uv animations currently selected. v.2.1.4 (June 11, 2023) Added: Option to replace/swap any selected object instances with another object type. Right-click the object in the Scene panel and select "Replace Selected Instances" to replace them with the object. Added: Freelook camera mode! Toggle on/off with Spacebar+F. For more information check the documentation. You can adjust the speed, sensitivity, inverted, flat movement options in the Settings > Camera panel. Added: Option in Settings to change the Viewcube model. Model needs to have its textures embedded. Added: ViewCube Scale option and ViewCube Viewport Ratio option in the Settings. Added: Keybindings for selecting/deselecting multiple edges. Ctrl+shift to select and ctrl+shift+alt to deselect. Changed: Keybindings for the "Center Crosshair" and "Center Crosshair Bounds" has been switched. "Center Crosshair" has been renamed to "Center Crosshair Average" and its description has been updated. Fixed: Tiles copied from a rotated object would paste incorrectly outside of the object. Fixed: After loading a scene, objects weren't selectable with marquee until an object was added or deleted. Fixed: Right-clicking a selected object that has bones, then clicking out of menu would make it not selectable again until another object was selected and right-clicked. v.2.1.3b (May 17, 2023) Changed: "Context Edit Menu" action now allows any mouse button. Edit > Buttons > Edit Mode > Context Edit Menu. Fixed: Deselecting edges via Ctrl+D would fail unless a vertex was selected. This was due to a change in the previous update. Should work fine now. v.2.1.3 (May 16, 2023) Added: "Deselect when single-clicking" option in the Edit > Settings > Edit Mode. This will automatically deselect anything if you are selecting a single element. You can hold Shift to select multiple things (prevents auto-deselecting). Added: Keybindings for adding/removing tiles to/from a palette in the Tileset panel. Press + to add, and - to remove tiles. You can also change the keys by going to Edit > Buttons > Tileset. Fixed: Selecting or copying transluscent pixels in the Painting panel would fail. Should work fine now. Fixed: Selecting edges would fail if mouse was also hovering over instances/entities that were behind it. Fixed: Side panel wasn't keeping width in some cases when restoring window. Fixed: Painting panel wasn't keeping scroll position after going to Tranfsorm/Scene panels. v.2.1.2b (April 29, 2023) Fixed: 64bit Linux would fail to run due to a mix up with files. Should work now. Fixed: Recent change to how palettes were loaded had caused palettes to fail to load. Should work fine now. v.2.1.2 (April 28, 2023) Added: "Clone Light(s)" action to the context-menu when right-clicking any selected lights in the 3d scene. Added: "Clone Light" action to the context-menu when right-clicking lights that are listed in the Scene panel. Added: "Select","Deselect" actions to the context-menus when right-clicking lights & cameras that are listed in the Scene panel. Added: All color pickers now have an accompanying input box for hex values, allowing copy/pasting of color values. Added: "Export Skybox" option is now available by going to Edit > Skybox > Export Skybox. Added: "Export Lights" option is available when exporting scenes ("Use single mesh" option must be disabled). Improved: Exported gltf,glb,dae files will now have their material names set to their corresponding tileset name. Changed: Removed some unnecessary menu items on the Mac version. Fixed: After using "Switch to this camera" in Scene panel, errors would occur when selecting stuff in the 3d scene. Fixed: Redoing the creation of a Bone would cause an error and fail to update the Instance list. Fixed: Undoing/Redoing the reparenting of an entity in the Instance list wouldn't update the list. Fixed: Loading invalid c3dpal files wouldn't display an error message, and it would clear the current palette. Fixed: If lights/cameras were pinned they wouldn't stay pinned after saving/loading. v.2.1.1 (April 14, 2023) Added: Bake Lighting/Ambient Occlusion into vertex colors! Check the "Bake Lighting" section of the documentation for more information. Added: "Add Padding" option in the UVs panel context-menu. Right-click and go to Paint > Add Padding. This will paint around the perimeter of any selected UVs in the UVs panel. Changed: Subdividing will always subdivide all the selected tiles. Removed the "All selected tiles" option from Subdivide panel since this is by default now. Fixed: .obj files would import incorrectly if there were trailing spaces at ends of lines (f lines). Fixed: If a tileset wasn't square, unwrapping/flattening UVs on that tileset would become stretched. v.2.1.0 (March 15, 2023) Added: The Subdivide (Alt+D) panel now has a menu to choose between "Segments" and "Pixels." Pixels mode will divide the tiles by pixel increments based on the UVs of the tiles. Added: "Select/Deselect Faces in same UV group" action in context menu of 3d view. Will select any other tiles that are in the same uv group as the selected tiles, or the tile you have right-clicked on. There is also an associated keybinding that you can set in the Buttons panel. Added: Godot 4.0 example projects for the Gridmaps, Animated Tiles, and Animated Sprites. Links to their downloads can be found in the documentation. Improved: Tileset's "Move Selection" actions will now also work inside 3d view, so that you can adjust Tilebrush selection (using the arrow keys) as you place tiles during Draw mode. Improved: Scenes that use a lot of Object Instances should load a lot quicker now. Changed: Sub-divide is now able to work outside of Active-Edit mode. Fixed: When exporting, UV animation data would be excluded for tilesets that weren't being used. This caused some vertex attribute data to store incorrect indices referencing those tilesets. Fixed: Would fail to load File Dialog path for palettes when Panel is undocked. v.2.0.9 (February 28, 2023) Added: Bindable action for Reloading/Refreshing the tilesets. To assign a key, Go to Edit > Buttons > General > Reload/Refresh all Tilesets. Added: Eyedropper Modifier key is now bindable. Default key is Alt. To rebind go to Edit > Buttons > Painting > Eyedropper Modifier. Added: Bindable actions for panning/scrolling the tileset/uv/painting canvas. To assign keys, Go to Edit > Buttons > Tileset > Scroll Tileset Left/Right/Up/Down. Added: "Push Group Against" action that pushes everything as a group against other tiles/objects. Default binding is Shift+/ , to change the binding go to Edit > Buttons > Edit Mode > Push Group Against. Added: Hold Ctrl+Shift to marquee UV coordinates without dragging/clicking UV tiles in the UVs panel. Added: Hold Alt or Ctrl+Alt to subtract marquee UV coordinates without dragging/clicking UV tiles in the UVs panel. Added: Hold Shift while using scroll wheel or up/down arrows inside input boxes to increment/decrement by 0.1 Added: Option in the Settings to remember file dialog directory. Go to Edit > Settings > General > File Dialog Paths, and choose between Shared and Unique. Shared is how it normally works, but Unique will keep track of separate directories for each file dialog type. Fixed: "Push Against" action would collide selected tiles/objects with each other depending on order of selection/creation. Now they shouldn't collide with each other. Fixed: Saving would deselect tiles. Tiles should remain selected now. Fixed: Yellow bounding box shown in Object-edit mode wouldn't remain updated, causing issues when verts were outside of the box. v.2.0.8 (February 14, 2023) Added: Unwrap UVs feature! You can now unwrap selected uvs in the UVs panel. Select the uvs and press U, or right-click and go to Transform > Unwrap. Any selected edges in the 3d view will act as seams (prevents two tiles from connecting), allowing you to control the way it unwraps. Added: Snap UVs together edge to edge simply by clicking and dragging them, then holding Shift key while hovering over other UVs. Added: Double-click UVs to select/deselect an entire group of connected UVs. Added: "Deselect all UVs with single-click" option in the Edit > Settings > Tileset.. Added: "Select/deselect within Face Normal range" actions. Tile's face normals must be within a certain angle threshold of each other (uses the Rotation Interval value). You can right-click and goto Faces > Select/deselect > Select/deselect within Face Normal range, or bind keys for the actions in the Buttons panel. Improved: Undo/redo states for UV edits have been improved. Fixed: Doing "Save as" quickly to queue multiple file dialogs would crash the program if you then pressed the Cancel button. Fixed: Camera Fov value is now limited to 1-179 degrees instead of 360. Going beyond 179 caused the view to become weird. Fixed: Selected objects and tiles were shown as selected in rendered movies. Now it should automatically deselect them before rendering. Fixed: "Select/deselect faces facing camera" actions weren't bindable. Fixed: Activating via Itch.io key was treating the email address as case-sensitive which would cause failure to activate. Now it is case-insensitive. v.2.0.7 (January 29, 2023) Added: Tilesets now have a Name property that can be set. These names are now used when exporting so that the texture filenames remain consistent. The names can be set in the tileset's material properties panel. Added: Double-clicking on tilesets in the tileset list will open their material properties. Added: Texture Prefix setting now has a "None" option to disable prefixes on the textures. This is set by default, but you can still choose "Custom" or "Project name." Fixed: Right-clicking the names of items in the Scene panel wouldn't open the context-menus. This bug seemed to have been introduced in a recent version, but it should be fixed now. Fixed: Importing .c3dp files would sometimes fail to create prefab objects if loading a lot of tilesets. Fixed: Undoing the importation of a .c3dp file would fail if there was a redo state for adding an instance of it to the scene. Fixed: Hovering over dropdown menus in the Settings would unfocus input boxes. v.2.0.6 (January 20, 2023) Improved: Exporting .obj files should now merge vertices regardless of whether vertex normals or uvs are different (if "Merge Vertices" option is enabled). Fixed: Vertices wouldn't merge for gltf/glb and dae files due to it not taking into account the "Vertex Normals" option when set to Smooth. Exporting will now merge vertices if the normals are the same for a vertices (as well as other attributes too such as UVs). Fixed: Changing a tileset's material type would cause the decal setting to reset. v.2.0.5 (January 8, 2023) Added: New action, "Select Faces Facing Camera Axis." Can be accessed via the context-menu while in Edit-mode, or via a keybinding that you can set in the Edit > Buttons > Edit Mode panel. Added: Export option to set the texture prefix to the project name. Improved: Edge selection is improved. A pen stylus had trouble selecting edges due to slight movements. Fixed: Clicking and dragging a vertex was still possible when vertex selection was disabled. Fixed: Primitive brush wouldn't update when selecting a tile from the Tileset. Fixed: Pinned prefab next/previous actions wouldn't work when clicking them. Fixed: Some Primitive shapes didn't take into account the base pixel unit size. Fixed: Program could not load completely if running an older version and config file contained newer pinned data in it. Fixed: Due to some previous changes exporting scenes wouldn't apply decal offset to correct tilesets. Should be fixed now. Fixed: Right-clicking an instance/object in Scene panel would set the prefab brush. Fixed: Couldn't paint over tiles if the tile had the same UVs but was from a different tileset. Fixed: Couldn't erase a tile using the Sticky tool if clicking without moving the mouse. v.2.0.4 (December 27, 2022) Added: Mouse buttons 4 and 5 are now bindable for any actions that can use the mouse. Added: Primitive brush tool. Select from the list of tools on left side of 3d view while in draw mode. Customize the primitive shape in the Transform panel. Improved: On Mac computers, the delete action will now use the Backspace key by default. Changed: The nw.js version for Windows has been updated to the latest. This should help keep things current and hopefully avoid any false positives. Changed: V key for toggling opacity of a tileset is now unassigned by default. To bind it, go to Edit > General > Toggle Opacity. Fixed: Rotating specific bones with Gizmo would cause skinned mesh to get messed up when switching to Scene panel. Fixed: Billboard sprites would become misaligned or wobble while animated. Fixed: Exporting a list of Objects of filetype .glb with embedded textures would cause the filenames to not match the models. Fixed: If Gizmo Alignment was set to Local, selecting the first entity/object would define the Tilt mode's default orientation. v.2.0.3 (November 18, 2022) Added: More keybinding actions are pinnable now. They are found in the Edit > Buttons panel. Changed: Key binding for Cycling Prefab Next/Previous is now Ctrl+Shift+] and Ctrl+Shift+[. Improved: Tilt would activate when when no Objects or Entities were selected if Gizmo World alignment was currently set to Local. Improved: When loading a project, it will store the directory next time file dialog is opened. Improved: File dialog's filename for object/c3dp export(scene panel) now uses object's name.. Improved: File dialog's filenames and directories should use current project name or folder as default. Fixed: Every time a spin gif was rendered, lines toggled back on, then took two presses of 0 to toggle them off again. Fixed: Lines are now disabled by default when rendering movies/spinning gif. Fixed: When importing an object prefab or cloning one, it wouldn't be clickable if skinned. Fixed: Exporting tilesets/rendered images/spinning gif, they should now always include the file extension. Fixed: Duplication of billboarded instances would have their original orientation overwritten. Fixed: "Export UV Map Image" action would export UVs of tiles that were using any tileset instead of just tiles using the current tileset. Fixed: Deleting an instance that is skinned wouldn't hide the skin if no other instances were in scene. v.2.0.2c (November 9, 2022) Fixed: Bone inverses would be assigned to incorrect bones when loading if they had been reordered in the Scene panel prior to saving. This caused the default transforms of bones to get mixed up. Saving should correctly distinguish each bone's inverse now. Fixed: When canceling a movie render, the viewport dimensions would get stuck. Improved: When entering negative numbers or deleting numbers in the Transform panel, it would automatically fill in a 0. This has been improved so that zeroes don't get auto added, and entering negatives is easier. v.2.0.2b (November 1, 2022) Fixed: Users that couldn't use webgl2 were experiencing issues where some shaders would fail to load due to limitations of glsl. This caused tiles to be invisible. This should be fixed now. v.2.0.2 (October 30, 2022) Fixed: Saving would become slow if there were many nested bones. Fixed: In some cases the mouse would stay locked and invisible after exiting camera mode. Fixed: "Distance to Gizmo" now measures in pixels if "Pixels" is toggled at the top of the Transform panel. Fixed: Font color for some text wouldn't update when switching color themes. Fixed: Dragging palettes and things would cause some gui elements to disappear in updated nwjs version. v.2.0.1b (October 23, 2022) Fixed: Bones that aren't inside any skeleton would fail to load with correct transforms (position,rotation,scale). Fixed: The "Type" setting for keybindings wouldn't get saved when saving keybindings via the icon in the Buttons panel. Fixed: Gizmo doesn't update position to previous selected entity when entering object edit mode. v.2.0.1 (October 18, 2022) Added: "Export Static Pose" option for .gltf and .glb formats. This will bake the bone transforms into the geometry so that a static pose is exported. This is automatically applied to .obj and .dae files because they can't export animations. Added: Background Color and Background Transparency settings for new projects. You can set these in Edit > Settings > Project panel. Changed: Background Color and Background Transparency options have been moved to the Project Settings. Fixed: Reordering the tilesets would cause the UV animations and Tile palettes to be assigned to the wrong tileset index. Fixed: Selecting a Tile Palette wouldn't deselect a UV Animation and vice versa. Fixed: Eyedropping a UV animated tile from a tileset that wasn't currently selected would cause the UVs of the tilebrush to be inaccurate. Fixed: Spot selecting/deselecting wouldn't update the UVs shown in the UVs panel. Fixed: Keybindings that used a modifier key would potentially get stuck if modifier key was released first. Fixed: When extruding, in some cases the verts would slightly separate, causing inaccurate results. Fixed: Exporting .gltf/.glb files that contain instances with a negative scale would cause tiles to be appear inside out when imported into other programs. Fixed: Exporting .gltf/.glb animations caused current pose to reset after export. v.2.0.0b (October 14, 2022) Added: A "Look at crosshair" action in the bones context-menu when right-clicking a bone in the 3d scene. Added: A "Look at crosshair" action in the instances context-menu when right-clicking an instance in the 3d scene. Added: A way to get the distance between the Crosshair and Gizmo. In the Crosshair section of the Transform panel, click the Get button next to the "Distance to Gizmo" textbox. This can be used to measure distances between things. Improved: Imported models and prefabs will use the filename as the Object's name. Fixed: Exporting a gltf or dae by right-clicking an Object in the Scene panel would fail. Fixed: If bones were transformed while editing the object, undos and redos wouldn't apply those changes if currently editing the object. Fixed: Marquee selection of vertices wouldn't select if mouse was hovering over a bone or skinned object during mouse up. Fixed: Merging mirrored tiles to the Object wouldn't keep the UV animations. v.2.0.0 (October 11, 2022) Added: Tilesize export option. This setting is used if the Tile Spacing option is greater than 0. Check the Export section of the documentation for more info. Added: Option to customize color of 3d crosshair and hover wireframe in the Settings panel. Improved: Skinned meshes are now attached to the Object to prevent confusion. Improved: Bones have been moved to the Instance list, and Instances can be attached/nested inside bones. Improved: If Crocotile isn't open, double-clicking a .crocotile file should open Crocotile and load the scene (after associating the filetype with the program). Fixed: Exporting gltf and dae files with textures would sometimes cause incorrect texture names. Fixed: Exported .mtl files would sometimes not have materials listed in ascending order. Fixed: Right-clicking a nested item in the Scene panel would cause ghost processes when quitting the program, preventing Crocotile from starting again until those processes were stopped. Fixed: Skinned objects would disappear at certain camera angles due to frustumculling. Skinned meshes won't be culled now. Fixed: Adding tiles to object after skinned wouldn't update the skin. Fixed: Undo/redoing wouldn't update skin with new tiles or removed tiles. Fixed: Items in Scene panel could be dragged into the wrong list. Fixed: If painting directly to 3d tiles, holding Alt would apply tilebrush to the tile being hovered over. Fixed: Some vertex weight data was being shared in tiles that were copy/pasted, split, extruded, merged, etc. Fixed: Bones would fail to export if they were invisible. Fixed: Bones were listed in the export panel when they didn't need to be. Fixed: Vertex color painting wouldn't work if "Show" option was enabled in the Skin section of the Transform panel, and no bone was selected. Fixed: Could select instances from the instance list in the Scene panel even if they were invisible. Fixed: Crocotile wouldn't start on macOS Monterey. Updated nwjs to 65.1 to fix this issue. Fixed: Importing an .obj file would fail if it contained point or line data. Fixed: Gizmo wouldn't take into account the Base Pixel Unit size if it was changed. Fixed: Clicking edges with Edge Selection disabled, would still prevent clicking faces. Fixed: Projects using orthographic camera would load as if the viewport is the same size as when saved potentially causing a stretched view. v.1.9.9c (September 24, 2022) Improved: Adding new bones to skeletons or changing the skeletal hierarchy will now automatically refresh/rebind the skeleton to the skinned object. Fixed: Painting weight and then erasing would continue to weight the vertex if no other weights were assigned. v.1.9.9b (September 23, 2022) Fixed: Loading file from recent list wouldn't update current path, so saving would overwrite previous loaded files. v.1.9.9 (September 23, 2022) Added: Bones and Skinned Objects! You can now attach bones to a skinned object and have vertices bend and morph. Check the Skinning section of the documentation for more information. Added: Ability to paint directly on tiles in the 3d scene. Select the Pencil tool while in Draw mode by clicking the icon to the left of the 3d view, or press Alt+1. Added: Look At Crosshair action for selected entities and instances. Press the L key to point the selected instances or entities towards the Crosshair. You can change the keybinding by going to Edit > Buttons > Edit Mode > Look At Crosshair. Added: Autosaves/Backups are now listed in the Load Recent Scene menu. Added: Mouse coordinate and selection dimensions are now displayed at the top of the Tileset panel. Fixed: Crocotile would become unresponsive on Linux Ubuntu 22.04 when loading a file. Fixed: The "Delete Object/Instances" option in the Scene panel wouldn't reparent any nested instances, causing them to disappear in the scene and create errors. Fixed: Undoing the "Delete Object/Instances" action would place object at end of list/folder. Fixed: The Edit > Settings > Tilesets > "Drag Multiple UVs" option wouldn't save. Fixed: Backups may not have saved light entities. Fixed: Clicking on selection handles in Painting panel would fail in some cases when zoomed in. Fixed: Scaling with the Gizmo while zoomed in would cause scale to have NaN/Infinity values, resulting in potential errors. Fixed: While in Active-Edit mode, couldn't select a nearest vertex (while holding ctrl), or select edges. Fixed: When exporting, animations wouldn't be scaled when using a scale value other than 1. Fixed: Changing the project's Base Pixel Unit size wouldn't scale any animation positions. Fixed: Undoing/redoing the creation or cloning of an Object wouldn't restore any custom properties if any had been added. Fixed: Importing files with # character in filename would fail to import. Fixed: Clicking on vertices of tiles facing away would fail when "camera-based selection" was off and "deselect when clicking nothing" was enabled. Fixed: .c3dp files would include all textures in the project even if they weren't used. Now it only exports tilesets that the prefab uses. v.1.9.8 (August 26, 2022) Added: Button to reset background color in spinning gif panel. Added: Spin Gif panel now saves values between sessions. Added: Edit > Buttons > Edit Mode > "Context Menu" action now has option for Key only. Improved: Update the Gizmo position/rotation when repositioning the animation Playhead or when pausing/stopping the animation. Gizmo rotation will only update if "Gizmo Alignment mode" is set to "Object". Fixed: An Action that was copy/pasted in the Animation panel wouldn't get processed initially, causing it not to animate. Fixed: If "Deselect when clicking nothing" setting is enabled, the dragging marquee box would prevent it from deselecting. Fixed: When selecting objects, the marquee box would prevent selecting objects when clicking them. Fixed: Spinning gif didn't export correctly when the resolution unit was set to pixels in the Settings. Fixed: Adding a tileset would not refresh the uv animation palette. Fixed: In some cases the tooltip of pinned actions would read as "undefined." v.1.9.7 (August 21, 2022) Added: The Grid Map dimensions, as well as the min and max values are now included in the Grid Map exports. Added: The menus next to the Action lists in the Animation panel now have Copy/Paste Action options. Added: "Select/Deselect all Faces" added to the Edit mode Context-menu. Added: "Select/Deselect Faces connected to Vertices" added to the Edit mode Context-menu. Added: "Select/Deselect all Vertices" added to the Edit mode Context-menu. Added: "Select/Deselect Vertices connected to Faces" added to the Edit mode Context-menu. Added: Keybindings for "Select/Deselect all Faces" and "Select/Deselect Vertices connected to Faces" actions. Go to Edit > Buttons > Edit mode > ... Changed: Theatre actor list now keeps the same order as in the scene panel list with indentations for nested instances. Fixed: Moving an instance to another parent would not update its original rotation value. This would cause loaded scenes to have incorrect rotations. Fixed: Exporting UV Animations would include animations from tilesets that weren't being used. Fixed: Exporting with "Tile Spacing" or "Use power of two" settings would incorrrectly get applied to textures that wrapped. Fixed: Using the Gizmo on billboard objects changed their original rotation. Fixed: Rotation value in Transform panel didn't reflect original rotation of billboard objects. Fixed: Vertices were able to be selected through lights/cameras if Camera Based Selection was enabled. Fixed: Due to a regression, in some cases an Object's properties panel would not open. Fixed: Theatre panel context-menu "Apply Interpolation" did not work. Fixed: Theatre panel context-menu "Align Selection" did not work. v.1.9.6 (August 15, 2022) Added: Object properties now include settings for shadows. You enable/disable "Cast Shadows" and "Receive Shadows." Note: The tileset material must support shadows, and there must be a light casting shadows. Added: A "Key Menu" button has been added to each Action bar in the Animation panel. Added: Copy/paste animation keyframes. Select "Copy Keyframes" or "Paste Keyframes" from the the Action bar Key menu. Copying will copy any selected keyframes in the specific action. Pasting will paste them into the corresponding object/action. Added: Object context-menu now has an option to move the selected Object's origin point and move it to the current crosshair position. Select an object in the 3d scene and right-click it and select "Move Origin to Crosshair." Added: Keybinding can be set for the "Move Origin to Crosshair" action. Go to Edit > Buttons > Edit Mode > Move Origin to Crosshair. This actions will also set the origin point of an Object that is actively being edited. Added: Option to lock UV Crosshair and prevent it from being auto-moved. Click the "Lock/Unlock Crosshair" button at the top of the UV panel. Improved: Settings panel would cut off some text on linux. Improved: Pinned status of Instances listed in the Animation panel now get saved to project. Fixed: Animation context-menu; "Apply interpolation" action wasn't implemented. Fixed: When selecting an Actor from the Actors List in the Theatre panel, the Actions List wasn't immediately updated. Fixed: Discrete interpolation of animation keyframes wouldn't persist the entire timespan of the keyframe. Fixed: When UV Tilesize has a dimension of 1 in either x or y, UV animation frame dimensions would be 0 when creating new frames. Fixed: Holding shift while using the Gizmo to rotate an instance would cause the Gizmo to move if hovering over other instances. Fixed: When choosing Deselect All Objects from the context-menu then selecting another object, the gizmo would be positioned at the previously selected object. Fixed: Deselecting vertices of tiles that were facing away from camera would remove the tile from the selection group even if some vertices were still selected. v.1.9.5 (August 5, 2022) Added: A "Purge (all) unused objects" to the Scene menu. This will remove any Objects that have no instances in the scene. Added: An Object's Mirroring properties panel now has an option to "Merge to Object." This will merge the mirrored tiles into the object and deactivate mirroring. Added: Pins for Hide & Show tiles actions. Go to Edit > Buttons > Edit Mode > Hide Tiles / Show Tiles. Fixed: Decals wouldn't get selected if the decal was overlapping a tile of the same size. Fixed: Vertex coloring wouldn't get applied to Decals that were overlapping tiles of similar size. Fixed: A rendered Spinning Gif or Movie would end up incorrectly sized if using a different Display Scale. v.1.9.4 (July 30, 2022) Added: Mouse position in UV panel. Added: Option to view grid in UV panel (click the grid line button at top of panel). Added: The selection dimensions are now displayed in the Painting panel. Added: "Use paint color" option in camera render/spin. The background color will be set as the current color in the Painting panel. Added: Keybinding to move the crosshair to the mouse position (UV panel). Press C key, or change it in Edit > Buttons > UVs > Move Crosshair to Mouse. Changed: Default Keybinding for Centering crosshair to selection in UV panel is now Shift+C. Fixed: Exporting gltf/dae objects directly from the Scene panel wouldn't work properly due to a regression in the code. Fixed: On Mac, if Meta key is being held down, keyup events for other keys will not fire. To work around this, releasing the Meta key will now release all keys (keys that aren't modifier keys). Fixed: When eyedropping other colors, it wouldn't highlight the corresponding color in the color palette. Fixed: Using an altered display size would cause rendered images to render at an incorrect size. Fixed: Implemented a safeguard for keybindings becoming locked with foreign keyboard layouts. It will clear key data whenever the last modifier key is released. v.1.9.3b (July 24, 2022) Added: Keybindings for incrementing grid-rounding value by a custom amount (Shift+[ and Shift+]), defined in the Settings > General > Increment grid-rounding custom. You can change the keybindings in Edit > Buttons > General > Rounding Down/Up Custom. Fixed: Some users couldn't click on vertices! Due to a regression in the code when changing the way viewport handled stretching. Fixed: Rotating a nested instance would rotate innaccurately if the parent was rotated. Fixed: Gizmo translations wouldn't snap beyond 1 tile increments. v.1.9.3 (July 23, 2022) Added: Exporting the Scene as a .gltf, .glb, or .dae will now retain the scene hierachy (including animations) unless you choose the "Use single mesh" option. The "Use single mesh" option will combine the exerything into one mesh and export exactly like the previous versions of Crocotile. Added: Pinnable buttons for Face/Edge/Vertex disabling actions. Edit > Buttons > Edit mode > Disable Face Selection. Added: Action to select faces if any verts of the tile are selected. If all faces are selected it will select any faces that touch. Edit mode > Right-click > Vertices > Select Faces connected to Vertices. Also keybindings can be set in Edit > Buttons > Edit mode > Select Faces connected to Vertices. Added: Shortcut keys for New Scene, Export Objects, Import Model (ctrl+n, ctrl+shift+e, ctrl+i). Added: Lights and Camera data are now included in the "Export Scene Data" files. Improved: Import models file window can now select .c3dp files. Before you could only load them by clicking the Load Prefab button in Scene panel. Fixed: The viewport would look slightly stretched when Windows used a different scaling factor for the display. Fixed: Gltf,glb,dae exports should now store the double-sided mode and wrapping mode settings for textures as well as any material settings. Fixed: Exporting objects would fail if the scene was previously exported in the same session. v.1.9.2 (July 15, 2022) Added: Pinned scene list so that you can load scenes quickly. Added: Keybinding for removing selected uv animation frames (the Delete key is the default binding). You can set the binding in the Edit > Buttons > UVs > Remove Frames. Added: Keybinding to hide/show the sidebar+animationbar so that it only displays the 3d viewport (Shift+` is the default binding). You can set the binding in the Edit > Buttons > General > Only show 3d panel. Fixed: When moving tiles in Tileset panel with right-click, it would sometimes fail to remap the UVs. Fixed: When loading a scene the tilebrush wasn't updated with new UV coordinates. Fixed: Couldn't color some vertices of triangular tiles (tiles that have vertices overlapping itself). Fixed: Crosshair/camera/etc would become hidden after rending a movie. Fixed: Ctrl key wouldn't get switched to Meta key on Mac when clicking "Reset Bindings" in the Buttons panel. v.1.9.1b (July 5, 2022) Fixed: When undoing/redoing, the canvas in the Painting panel would resize incorrectly, and would cause some actions to not be undoable. v.1.9.1 (July 4, 2022) Improved: The tileset canvas areas now have margin space surrounding them. You can specify the size of the margin in the Edit > Settings > Tileset > Margin Size. Changed: Ctrl+A will now also select vertices of any edges that are currently selected. Fixed: Auto-refreshing tilesets regression. Should work properly now. Fixed: Adding/creating huge tileset images would cause program to crash or cause tileset issues. Tilesets are now limited to 4096x4096 pixels by default. You can the default in the Edit > Settings > Tileset > Max Dimensions, however it could cause issues if your hardware can't support a large size. v.1.9.0b (June 26, 2022) Fixed: If the user specified any default tilesets to load into new scenes, the program would fail to load. v.1.9.0 (June 26, 2022) Improved: The "Select Tileset" button at the top of the Tileset/UVs panel now toggles a Tileset List that is more useful. Added: With the improved display of tilesets, you can now reorder them by clicking and dragging the tilesets in the Tileset List. Fixed: Tilesets wouldn't refresh when making changes to them outside the program (if auto-refresh was enabled, or if manually refreshing). This was due to the filepath not being stored correctly. Users will have to replace the tilesets in their existing projects so that the tilesets store the correct filepaths. Afterwards, it should work fine. v.1.8.9 (June 17, 2022) Added: Export Grid Map data. Useful for defining cells in a 3d grid for collisions or similar cases. A Godot project example can be downloaded that demonstrates its use. Check documentation for more information. Added: Key bindings for cycling through Prefab objects while in draw mode. Shift+[ and Shift+] to cycle through the list. Must have a prefab selected in the Scene panel first. Added: A new "Merge Edges" action. This will take two tiles that share an edge and combine them into one tile. Select an edge and then right-click to open the Edit mode context menu > Edges > Merge Edges. The safe action will only merge them if their UVs match. Added: New setting to show entire tileset in the Painting panel regardless of the selected area in the tileset. To enable, go to Edit > Settings > Tilesets > Show entire Tileset in Painting panel. Added: New setting to auto-reverse faces when mirroring/flipping tiles. This will be enabled by default. To toggle this setting, go to Edit > Settings > Edit Mode > Reverse with Mirror/Flip. Added: Visual indicators when Disabling selections for face/vert/edge. The corresponding text at bottom of 3d viewport will turn red when disabled. Changed: In the Painting panel, Delete key will now erase pixels from a selected area instead of removing the selection. You can use Ctrl+D if you want to deselect. Changed: Ctrl key has been switched to Command key for Mac users. Mac users will need to reset their bindings to overwrite their cached bindings. Fixed: Hidden faces would become selected when click+dragging to select an area. Fixed: Using Triangle Divide and Triangle Merge in Active Edit Mode would cause tiles to become uneditable until new tiles were drawn. Fixed: Increasing framerate in settings would make camera move faster with YGHJ+Spacebar. v.1.8.8 (May 31, 2022) Added: New option in Settings > Edit Mode > Group WASD Undos. This will reduce the number of undo states when moving the select with the WASD keys. This will be enabled by default. Added: New option in Settings > Edit Mode > Object Mode Hide All. This will hide everything outside of an object when in Object Edit Mode. Added: Flip/Mirror hotkeys (F and R keys) to Painting panel for use with selection tools. You can change these by going to Edit > Buttons > Painting.. Added: Rotate Left/Right bindings to Painting panel for use with selection tools. They are unbound by default. You can change these by going to Edit > Buttons > Painting.. Fixed: Undoing the Add Camera or Add Light would cause an error, preventing the Redoing of it and leaving a ghost item listed in the Scene panel. Fixed: Edges were not selectable from backside if doublesided mode was enabled. Fixed: Sticky tool and Block tool would not work from backside if doublesided mode was enabled. Fixed: Tileset,UVs,Painting panels would sometimes pan the tileset momentarily when holding spacebar and clicking the 3d view to rotate. Fixed: You could still select and edit edges of tiles if the tiles were hidden. v.1.8.7 (May 21, 2022) Added: Polish localization, provided by ZygZagDev! Thank you! Added: Action to push selection against existing tiles, relative to the cardinal axis of the crosshair that the camera faces. This is useful in cases where you want something to sit flush against a surface, and the surface may not sit exactly on the grid. Press / key to perform the action. You can also rebind it by going to Edit > Buttons > Edit Mode > Push Against. This action can also be accessed in the Transform panel. Added: Option to keep Sticky tool proportionate to the tile selection. Settings > Draw Mode > Sticky Edge Proportionate. Added: Lambert material type. Shading is calculated using a Gouraud shading model. Added: Action to straighten vertices relative to the tile they belong to. This results with the tiles becoming flat, facing the direction of a triangle's face normal or an average of both triangle normals if both vertices are selected. Right-click > Vertices > Straighten relative to their own tiles. You can also assign a shortcut key to this operation: Edit > Buttons > Edit Mode > Straighten relative to their tiles. Fixed: If a Prefab Object was selected in the Scene panel, it would fail to export gltf objects without embedded textures. Fixed: Couldn't select collapsed tiles that had an L shape. Fixed: Using touchpad pinch gesture to zoom would cause entire application to resize. v.1.8.6 (May 6, 2022) Added: Toggle Lights On/Off. Go to Scene Panel, and select from the Light menu. This will disable/enable all the lights in the scene (they can still be selected and edited though). Added: Settings to customize the color and opacity level of selected faces in Active Edit mode. Go to Edit > Settings > Edit Mode, to select the color and opacity. Improved: Improved the color palette importer to handle some palettes that might use different formatting. Fixed: The Combine Instances action would fail to handle unselected nested instances. This might also fix related issues causing instances to change position. Fixed: Edge highlight would become very thick if the window was very small when quiting the program or creating a new scene. Fixed: When setting the Camera's Up Vector, the Skybox and Viewcube would be oriented incorrectly. v.1.8.5 (April 22, 2022) Added: New effects! Fog, Bloom, and Depth of Field. Go to Edit > Effects, to enable them and set their properties. Improved: On Mac, it will load default text if it fails to load localization files. Fixed: "Remove Selected Item" button in Scene panel wouldn't remove Cameras/Lights. Fixed: Clicking(selecting/deselecing) on vertices wouldn't update the UVs in some cases. Fixed: Deselecting vertices with Ctrl+D wouldn't update UVs either. Fixed: Ctrl+A selecting touching vertices wouldn't update UVs either. Fixed: Exporting would deselect verts/faces and also exit Object Edit Mode. Fixed: In Orthographic mode, the wireframe/edges would be offset incorrectly and was more noticeable when zoomed in. v.1.8.4 (April 9, 2022) Added: Background color/Transparency/Skybox options to the Spinning Gif panel. Added: Unbound key bindings for Divide Triangles, Select Edge Loop, Apply Tilebrush UVs to Selected Faces. These bindings can be set in the Edit > Buttons > Edit Mode panel. Fixed: Exporting with UV Animations option enabled would cause issues when exporting formats other than .obj (uvAnimation.txt and textures would fail to export) Fixed: Selection Wand would sometimes select top-left corner pixel, and stop selecting other pixels. Fixed: If an Object had no tiles, it wouldn't load properly when opening the project. Fixed: Lights placed inside collapsed Layers wouldn't appear when Layer is expanded. Fixed: Spinning Gif render wasn't releasing memory. v.1.8.3 (March 25, 2022) Added: Select/deselect tiles with UVs inside the tile selection area. Right-click the tileset in the Tileset panel and choose Select Tiles > Select Tiles within Tile selection. Added: Opaque/Transparent option when resizing Tileset canvas. Added: Set a start time for animated tiles. When placing animated tiles into the 3d scene, they will use the Start value specified in the UVs panel. Added: Exporting models that use UV animations, will include Start time data. Added: Duration value is displayed for the frames of UV animations when hovered over. It can be found where the Animation name is located. Updated: Godot tile animation example Updated: tile animation documentation. Improved: Prefab Brush doesn't orient itself based on camera direction anymore, but you can still enable it in the Settings > Draw mode > Orient Prefab Brush to Camera. Fixed: Releasing modifier keys before other keys would sometimes fail to trigger the corresponding action. Fixed: Decal value wasn't being set properly when choosing Export from the Scene panel context-menu. Fixed: Selecting nearest vertex by holding Ctrl and clicking would fail if the tile's vertices weren't visible. Fixed: Wouldn't be able to click tiles that overlapped locked objects. Fixed: Couldn't click through locked objects or lights. Fixed: Imported models and prefab objects wouldn't cast shadows until they were edited. v.1.8.2 (March 18, 2022) Added: Key bindings for each gizmo mode, unbound by default. Edit > Buttons > Edit Mode > Gizmo Translate/Rotate/Scale Mode. Added: Quality setting for spinning Gifs. Added: Flatten vertex positions/objects against crosshair plane. Keybinding: Alt+P. Also located in Align section of Transform panel. To change the binding goto Edit > Buttons > Edit Mode > Flatten Selection. Fixed: Applying animated tiles to non-animated tiles that use the same uv coordinates wouldn't be applied while holding Alt and left-clicking. Fixed: Exporting instances from Instance list would have wrong location if the instance was nested inside others that weren't being exported. Fixed: Rotating nested instances with Q,E would result with incorrect positions. Fixed: Decals wouldn't be drawn or erased properly to the scene. Fixed: Some pinned actions wouldn't display full shortcut when hovering mouse over them. Fixed: Sometimes selecting a tile from tileset would result with selection having 0 width or 0 height. Fixed: UV handles wouldn't display if they were slightly outside of view in the panel. Fixed: Nested instances wouldn't be hidden properly if parent object was hidden via the eye icon in scene panel. Fixed: After placing an instance with prefab brush, instance became unhighlighted in instance list. Fixed: Light property inputs took up too much horizontal space in the panel. Fixed: When Transform panel was open, middle clicking the 3d scene would show the scroll cursor. Fixed: UV Animations in Theatre panel would loop if loop was set to false. Fixed: Gif movies wouldn't utilize the quality setting. v.1.8.1 (March 11, 2022) Added: Animated UVs/Tiles! Check the documentation and video demonstration for more information on how to create animated tiles. Added: Gizmo Alignment (World/Object) option. Click the button at the top of the 3d scene to toggle whether the Gizmo will align itself to the selected object or not. Added: Uv dimension values. Displays the width and height of the uv selection. Added: ` key binding for toggling focus of 3d viewport. To change button, goto Edit > Buttons > General > Focus 3d Panel. Added: Option to auto-focus panels that the mouse is hovering over. Goto Settings > Mouse Auto-Focuses Panels. Fixed: Rotating tilebrush uvs while painting new tiles into the scene could cause errors. Fixed: Docking the side panel/animation panel would cause some dropdown menus & gui elements to stop working if the panels were originally undocked at the start. Fixed: Undoing/redoing certain operations related to tilesets would not refresh tileset dimensions on UV panel. Fixed: Rendering movie now hides crosshair lines and gizmo. Fixed: Issue with binding Buttons > Edit Mode > Context Edit Menu. Fixed: Show grid option in Painting panel now takes into consideration tilesets with unique tilesize values. Fixed: Binding Shift key with arrow keys could bind them with incorrect order, causing them to not work correctly. Other key combinations that use modifier keys should bind correct as well. Fixed: Exporting with a scale value below 1, such as 0.1 for example, would round up to 1. This is now fixed. Fixed: Clicking the scrollbar in Scene/Transform panels would stop 3d viewport from being focusable, causing keybindings to stop working. Fixed: The file select boxes displayed incorrect information for the default skybox/tilesets in the Settings panel. Fixed: Animating cameras and camera targets would cause errors for newly created cameras/targets. Fixed: Rendering movies would miscalculate the first frame. Fixed: Rendering movies would fail to render if the Theatre tab wasn't open. Fixed: In some cases, nested instances wouldn't retain their nest order correctly when placing them into the scene or using the prefab brush. Fixed: Swapping tiles or resizing tileset wouldn't update the UVs of tiles if the user hadn't selected a tileset yet. Fixed: Extruding edges/faces without extruding the UVs would assign the new tiles with a material that is shared between the Tilebrush. Fixed: Extruding now incorporates random tiles if a Tile Palette is selected and Extrude UVs option is disabled. v.1.8.0b (February 11, 2022) Fixed: If the default Skybox for new projects was set to Sphere, Crocotile would fail to load. Fixed: Default image for Skyboxes wouldn't load properly if set to Sphere. v.1.8.0 (February 11, 2022) Added: Lights & Shadows! Read the documentation and watch the video to learn more about lights and shadows. Added: Tileset Material Settings. You can switch between Basic and Phong (supports lighting). Phong also has a few extra properties that can be set. Added: Key bindings for rotating camera towards cardinal directions (Unbound by default). Go to Edit > Buttons > Camera > Cardinal Rotate Left,Right,Up, and Down to bind a key. Improved: Spinning gif resets position after rendering. Improved: Spinning gif saves values when closing panel. Fixed: Memory leak while drawing or erasing tiles from scene. Fixed: Invisible cameras would prevent clicking visible cameras if in front of the other. Fixed: Cameras should now save their animations to the project file if they have any. Fixed: Having an instance selected for the prefab brush would cause errors if any objects were removed that the prefab brush referenced. Fixed: Ruler wasn't set invisible when hiding the visualization lines. Fixed: Ruler wasn't being updated if it was enabled. v.1.7.9 (January 28, 2022) Added: Lock the invisible plane to X,Y, or Z Orientation. Use Spacebar+1 to lock to the X orientation. Spacebar+2 for the Y, and Spacebar+3 to the Z. When you place tiles using the tilebrush, or object instances using the prefab brush, the brush will stay aligned to that plane irrespective of the camera orientation. Press the key-binding again to unlock. This does not work with Sticky tool, Block tool, or Tilt mode. Improved: Flatten UVs operation will try to align to the grid. Changed: About > Howto.. will now open in user's default browser, allowing the search capability. Fixed: Ctrl+L to load a scene, or Ctrl+E to export, or Alt+F4 to exit, would cause key binding to become stuck if clicking Cancel. Fixed: Shortcut keys weren't displayed when hovering over the Painting tools. Fixed: Localization html file wouldn't display some characters correctly. v.1.7.8 (January 21, 2022) Added: Duplicate an x,y,z amount of selected instances with x,y,z spacing. Select the instances and then right-click on one, then choose "Duplicate Instance(s) Area." Added: Move tile selection area left,right,up,down in Tileset panel via the Arrow keys. The amount of pixels it moves is based on the UV precision values. You can also use Ctrl+Arrow keys to move 1 pixel increments. You can change the bindings in the Edit > Buttons > Tileset settings. Improved: Export panel is now horizontally resizable to help show longer length object names. Click and drag in lower right corner of panel. Improved: When Exporting, if scale is set to 0, it will be set back to 1 before exporting or closing the panel. Improved: When adding a Tile Palette, it will reveal the palette area if it was hidden. Improved: When hiding the palettes, it will deselect the current palette. Fixed: Combining nested instances via the Combine Instances operations would cause an error and mess up. Fixed: Duplicating nested instances wouldn't preserve the nesting structure. Fixed: When opening Crocotile for first time, Tile Palette is now visible by default. Fixed: The UV panel's "Transform > Set to Tile" operation wouldn't use the "UV Unique: on" values if set. v.1.7.7 (January 14, 2022) Added: Load multiple prefab files. You can now select multiple .c3dp files in the file select window. Added: Load multiple tileset images. You can now select multiple image files in the file select window. Added: Move crosshair to mouse position relative to the invisible plane. Press Space+C to move. Added: Select Edge Loop action. Located within the Edges sub-menu when you right-click the 3d scene while in Edit mode. You must have at least one edge already selected for it to select connected edges. Added: An option for deselecting everything when clicking on nothing. Go to Edit > Settings > EditMode > Deselect when clicked nothing. Added: "Combine Instances" action. This combines the selected instances into a single Object. It will also replace the instances in the scene with a new instance of the new object. The "Combine Instances (Object only)" action will simply create the new object without replacing any instances and won't add any new instances to the scene. Added: Added flashing indicator when trying to move crosshair when grid rounding is set to 0. Added: Apply UVs action now randomizes tiles if a Tile Palette is selected. Use Alt+Left Click in Draw mode to apply uvs to existing tiles. Eyedropping a tile with Alt+Right Click will deselect any selected Tile Palette. Added: Apply random tiles to a selection of faces. The "Apply Tilebrush UVs to Faces" option in the Edit mode context-menu will choose from the selected Tile Palette. Added: Tile Palette Mode (random/sequence). When sequence mode is enabled, tiles will be chosen from the palette in order from left to right. Improved: Placing random tiles won't replace the last random tile placed unless mouse moves off of it first or mouse button is released. Improved: Default tilesets should now load in the same order everytime. Fixed: Swapping tiles in a tileset would affect tiles in the scene that used a different tileset. Fixed: UV Unique On/Off tooltip wouldn't display correctly when starting application. Fixed: When exporting .obj via right-clicking in the Scene panel, the .mtl file could contain spaces in its filename, which would cause issues when importing it. It now will replace spaces with _. Fixed: Was able to inadvertently select edges behind Objects/Cameras. Fixed: Was able to inadvertently drag vertices behind Objects/Cameras. v.1.7.6 (January 1, 2022) Added: Tile Palettes! Randomize the tiles that you draw to the scene. Check the documentation and video demonstration for how to use. Added: A toggle button to enable unique UV Tilesize and Padding values per Tileset. When toggled on, the values you input will correspond only to that tileset. If toggled off, it will use the global values. Added: Select triangular tiles option in the 3d context-menu. Right-click > Faces > Select Triangular Tiles. This will select the faces of any triangular tiles. Added: Background color now saves to the project file. Added: Double clicking the primary and secondary colors in the Painting panel will open a native color picker box. Added: Setting for specifying the default tilesets for new Projects. Go to Edit > Settings > Project. Added: Setting for specifying the default skybox shape for new Projects. Added: Setting for specifying the default skybox image for new Projects. Added: UVs context menu now has options to deselect tiles based on the selection in the UVs panel. Right-click > 3d > Deselect tiles (Uvs selected), or Deselect tiles (Uvs unselected). Added: Select all/Deselect all options added to the Layers context-menu. Selects/Deselects all objects in a layer. Fixed: Painting brush size key bindings were in General section of Buttons panel. They are now in the Painting section. Fixed: Dragging colors in the Paint palette would stop undos/redos from triggering until user clicks window. Fixed: Exporting Gltf,Glb,Dae objects/instances now include their name in the file data. v.1.7.5 (December 7, 2021) Added: Spot selection/deselection for faces. Select faces that the mouse pointer hovers over. You can set the key bindings for these by going to Edit > Buttons > Edit Mode > Spot Select Faces. Added: You can now Snap selections to vertices of Objects. While dragging a Vert or Gizmo translation, hold Shift to snap to nearest vertex on an Object being hovered over. Fixed: Exports with "Merge vertices" and "Use Groups" options enabled would mix up tiles in groups if there were collapsed triangles without overlapping verts. v.1.7.4c (December 3, 2021) Fixed: Right-clicking in the Painting palette area caused some key-bindings to become unresponsive. Fixed: Setting 0 to column or row in the Sub-divisions panel would remove the tiles. Minimum value is now 1. v.1.7.4b (November 30, 2021) Fixed: Selecting faces of tiles would instead select edges when zoomed out. v.1.7.4 (November 29, 2021) Added: Option to Disable Face Selection. Go to Edit > Settings > Edit Mode.. You can also bind a key to toggle it in the Buttons panel. Added: Option to Disable Edge Selection. Go to Edit > Settings > Edit Mode.. You can also bind a key to toggle it in the Buttons panel. Added: Option to show only UVs of the active tileset in the UV panel. Go to Edit > Settings > Tileset > Hide UVs of non-active Tilesets. This is set by default. Fixed: The "Remove Tileset" option stopped working due to some recent changes to the code. Improved: The "Remove Tileset" option now keeps tiles/objects selected if they are. Fixed: Couldn't shift UVs continuously holding key down. Fixed: Restored ability to shift UVs by one pixel by holding Ctrl+arrow keys. Also added key bindings to Buttons panel. Fixed: Hovering over UVs in the UV panel would cause corresponding vertices to become deselected in the 3d scene if they were selected. Fixed: When clicking the tileset with the middle mouse button while the 3d scene is focused, it would lock up the key-bindings. Changed: Loading color Palettes in .png format are now limited to 1024x1024 pixels, and 2048 colors. v.1.7.3b (November 22, 2021) Added: "Center to selection bounds" has been added to the 3d context-menu; Right-click > Crosshair > Center to selection bounds, or press Alt+Shift+C. Added: "Center Crosshair To Layer Bounds" as been added to the Layer context-menu in the Scene panel. This will center crosshair to the bounds of the Layer (including sub-layers). Added: You can now specify the spacing amount that the Prefab brush rounds itself to. The inputs are located at the bottom of the Scene panel. v.1.7.3 (November 18, 2021) Added: "Add selected tiles to new Tileset" is now also accessible from the Tileset context menu. Added: "Set all object's origin points to crosshair" has been added to Layer context-menus in the Scene panel. This will set all origin points of objects within the layer (and sub-layers). Added: "Set to crosshair" operation added to the UV panel. Accessed in the context-menu > Transform > Set to crosshair, or by pressing the . key. Improved: Importing .c3dp prefabs will now check to see if textures already exist in scene and will use those. Fixed: Undoing/redoing the imports of prefabs wouldn't process textures correctly. Fixed: Selection highlight wouldn't display properly for tiles with transluscent textures. Fixed: Wireframe wouldn't display properly over the selection highlight. Fixed: Copied tiles could be pasted into loaded scenes, causing unsynchronized tileset issues. v.1.7.2 (November 15, 2021) Added: UV panel will highlight the part/vert that is being hovered over in the 3d scene and vice versa. Improved: UV panel was redrawing UVs everytime the mouse moved- this is now fixed. Fixed: .Obj exports would be missing a tile if the scene consisted of only objects (no single tiles). v.1.7.1 (November 11, 2021) Added: You can now add custom data for Objects and Instances. Check documentation for more information. Added: Information related to custom data to the Howto.html Fixed: Tile hovered state would stay on when mouse left the window, and when rendering. Fixed: Placing nested instances into the scene wouldn't keep the same rotation/scale. v.1.7.0 (November 6, 2021) Added: Export multiple .c3dp prefab files. Go to File > Export Objects. Select .c3dp from the File Format option. Added: Export scene data. Save object and instance data as a json formatted text document. Go to Scene panel and select "Export Scene Data" from the Scene dropdown menu. Check documentation for more info. Added: Uuid, parent uuid, billboard, instance name, and scale data to exported instance data. Check documentation on exporting instance data. Added: Exported Gltf and Glb files now include "extras" data. This data is the same as when you "Export Instance Data" from the scene panel. Changed: Instance json data structure has changed. Now is a json object, and instances are within an array stored in that object. Fixed: Edges couldn't be selected on 1 pixel thin tiles that were next to each other. Fixed: Changeing the base pixel unit size and resizing the tiles wouldn't refresh the vertex selection points. Fixed: When using a low base pixel unit size, vertices wouldn't appear when mouse was hovered nearby. Fixed: Couldn't export .obj if scene only consisted of objects. v.1.6.9f (November 3, 2021) Improved: Optimized exporting of scenes. Smooth Normals option now processes quicker. v.1.6.9e (November 2, 2021) Improved: Optimized exporting of scenes with many tiles. Scenes should export quicker now. Improved: Extrusions now also work with up/down mouse dragging (When holding Alt+E). v.1.6.9d (October 31, 2021) Fixed: Extruding edges within an object instance would cause errors and fail to extrude. Fixed: Camera renders wouldn't properly adjust billboard objects before rendering. Fixed: Billboard objects would lag behind when moving the camera. Fixed: Combine vertices operation wouldn't refresh the 3d scene. v.1.6.9c (October 25, 2021) Fixed: Clicking edges or tiles that were extended far beyond the screen wouldn't work correctly. Fixed: While editing an Object, edges that didn't belong to the object were selectable and editable. v.1.6.9b (October 24, 2021) Added: New localization and documentation for Spanish translation. Thanks ANoob! Fixed: A change in the previous version caused some issues with tiles not being clickable. Most noticeable when the camera's far frustum plane was set to a high value. v.1.6.9 (October 23, 2021) Added: Edge selections! Click the edge of a tile to select/deselect it. Added: Edge extrusions! If edges are selected and there aren't any faces selected, you can use the Extrude options in the Transform panel to extrude new tiles from the selected edges. Added: Extrude shortcut key Alt+E. Hold down the keys and click and drag to perform an extrusion. You can also use the Gizmo to extrude linearly while holding the keys down. Check the documentation for details and a video demonstration. Added: Extrude face direction setting. Controls whether extrusions travel along the face normals or the vertex normals. Added: Transparency setting for tile face highlight color, to control the transparency amount. Located in the Edit section of the Settings. Added: A bindable key for disabling/enabling the texture rendering of currently selected tilesets. This allows you to see vertex colors more clearly without the texture mixing in. To bind a key to this action, go to: Edit > Buttons > General > Toggle Render Texture. Added: Default base pixel unit size for new projects. Any new project will use this setting. You can change it by going to Edit > Settings > Project. Changed: Vertex color export option default value is now false for new users. Some programs don't like vertex colors in .obj files, so it makes more sense to have this set to false for new users. Fixed: Tilebrush would become visible when entering Draw Mode while Vertex Coloring tool was selected. Fixed: Linux and macOS couldn't load model files such as fbx and others. It should work now. Fixed: Selected decals wouldn't change color when toggling Active Edit mode. Fixed: Selecting all tiles via Ctrl+A will now update the corresponding UVs in the UVs panel. Fixed: When deleting an object from the Scene panel, it would potentially cause tiles in other instances to reference the wrong object, causing errors when working with them. v.1.6.8b (October 8, 2021) Fixed: Couldn't click vertices through hidden tiles. v.1.6.8 (October 8, 2021) Added: Can now export as .dae (Collada) format! Added: Can now import .dae (Collada) models! Added: Hide/Show selected tiles. Select faces and then open the context-menu Faces > Hide, Show. There are also bindable shortcut keys (unbound by default). Fixed: Hitting tab to jump to next input in Transform panel would deselect. v.1.6.7c (October 5, 2021) Fixed: Extrusion failed to create an undo state if no new tiles were created while extruding. Fixed: Extrusion would fail if a tile's triangles were completely collapsed. v.1.6.7b (October 5, 2021) Fixed: Forgot to include an updated file for extrusions to work! v.1.6.7 (October 5, 2021) Added: Extrude tile faces! You can now extrude selected tiles. Access this feature at the bottom of the Transform panel. Added: Option for instances to keep world position when nesting. Toggle between World and Local via the button in lower right of Scene panel. Default is World. Added: Object context-menu in Scene panel now has option to apply its name to all of its instances. Added: Changing an Object's name will automatically change the name of any instances with the same name belonging to that Object. Added: The Gizmo can now be snapped to vertices being hovered over while tranlating a selection. Hold Shift after dragging the Gizmo to snap it. It uses the same keybinding as the vertex snapping. Added: Shortcut bindings for Create Object, Deconstruct Instance, and Duplicate Instances. You can set the key bindings in the Button settings > Edit section. Added: Option in the Settings to change camera's default up vector. Fixed: Selected instances that were mirrored would not display the selected overlay correctly. Fixed: Sticky tool would fail to detect the edges of large tiles if hovering near the center of the edge rather than the corners. Fixed: Billboard objects would have jittering issues when mouse hovered over them. Fixed: Billboard objects would overwrite their original rotation value when moved or transformed. Fixed: Couldn't use shift,home,end or arrow keys to select values from number inputs. Fixed: Couldn't drag Objects into Layers when side panel was undocked. Fixed: Tile stats were counting the tiles in Object edit mode twice. Improved: Selected faces would have z-fighting issues. This has been improved. Improved: Bindings for erasing tiles/prefabs now accept all mouse buttons or keys. v.1.6.6i (September 23, 2021) Fixed: Tilebrush would display inaccurately while using sticky tool and block tool when multiple tiles are selected in the tileset. Fixed: When pressing Shift it would in some cases display the tilebrush inaccurately. v.1.6.6h (September 22, 2021) Fixed: The edges of tiles would display in front of other tiles in some cases. Fixed: Smooth option was missing from the Vertex Normals dropdown when exporting Objects by right-clicking in the Scene panel. Fixed: UVs wouldn't update until after moving mouse, if using the arrow keys to adjust. Fixed: Tilebrush would have z-fighting issues when overlapping other tiles. Fixed: Block tool wouldn't work when a prefab or instance was selected from Scene tab. Changed: Exports will remember which objects where chosen to be exported or not. It will also select all of them by default. Changed: Crocotile now saves the user's data to their native user folder. v.1.6.6g (September 19, 2021) Fixed: Block tool would cause errors and make the scene unresponsive when undoing/redoing blocks. v.1.6.6f (September 19, 2021) Fixed/Added: Transluscent tiles would sometimes occlude other tiles behind it. Now there is a Transparent option per tileset. Separate transluscent stuff to their own tileset and turn on Transparent mode. Fixed: Mirrored objects wouldn't update the mirrored side when changes were made to their tiles. Fixed: Deconstructing mirrored objects would cause the mirrored tiles to have incorrect positions. Fixed: Erasing tiles wouldn't work if there was a tile blocking the view of the tilebrush. Fixed: Toggling crosshair lines wouldn't refresh until mouse was moved. Improved: Some optimizations related to raycasting and selecting things. v.1.6.6e (September 17, 2021) Fixed: When removing Animation Actions, it wouldn't remove corresponding Theatre data, causing related things to not function. Fixed: Removing object instances wouldn't remove corresponding data from Theatre system. Changed: Middle mouse button will pan the tileset similar to when pressing Spacebar. Improved: Movie panel now remembers settings across sessions. v.1.6.6d (September 16, 2021) Fixed: Splitting or Subdividing tiles within an object would cause errors and also cause scene to lock up. Fixed: Tile hover indicator didn't update when flipping edge and moving tiles, etc.. Changed: "Apply tileset to selected face" will now keep tiles selected after the operation. v.1.6.6c (September 16, 2021) Fixed: Loading projects might fail if side panel was undocked (due to new Instance list). Fixed: Deleting tiles from Objects via the Delete key would exit out of Object Edit mode. Fixed: Deconstructing nested instances could cause errors depending on certain conditions. Fixed: In some cases, selecting vertices via hotkeys may have selected neighboring vertices. v.1.6.6b (September 15, 2021) Fixed: Sticky tool would create many overlapping tiles when clicking and dragging! v.1.6.6 (September 15, 2021) Added: Vertex coloring tool! You can now apply vertex coloring to your tiles. Click the tool to the left of the 3d scene while in Draw mode. Check the documentation for more information. Added: Nested object instances! Instances can now be nested within each other via the Instance list in the Scene panel. Added: Spanish translation of the Howto documentation and updated localization! Thanks ANoob! Added: Vertex Colors option to exports. You can choose to include/exclude the vertex colors from your exports. The .obj file format doesn't officially support vertex colors, however there is an unofficial format that Crocotile will use when including them in .obj files. Check documentation for more information. Added: Unlit option to gltf/glb export. gltf/glb will now export with a Lambert material by default. If the Unlit option is checked, it will export as an unlit material instead. Added: New documentation for Vertex Colors. Check the Draw mode section. Added: Selected items in the Scene panel can now be deselected with a click. Added: Export option "Limit export to currently selected tileset." Before this, you had to disable "Export all textures" to output only the tiles using the currently selected tileset, but that created confusion for people. Fixed: Undoing Gizmo transformations would become innaccurate when holding down undo/redo. Fixed: Gizmo transformations made to tiles inside an Object Instance could only be undone/redone if currently editing that instance. Fixed: When resizing the window very small, it would shrink the panels. Fixed: Undoing/redoing tileset image resize would fail to update tiles in instances, if no tiles were in the scene using the tileset. Fixed: If an action removed tiles that were in other instances, undo/redos wouldn't work anymore if they were performed on one of those tiles in another instance. Fixed: Vertices would become hidden while deselecting and hovering the mouse over the gizmo at the same time. Fixed: In some cases the selected vertices would be occluded by unselected vertices, causing it to appear as if no vertices were selected. Fixed: Numpad numbers caused keys to lock up. Fixed: Mesh overlay of hovered tiles/objects would continue to display when the mouse left the viewport. Fixed: After importing a model, it would fail to import another model if the filepath was the same as the last filepath. Fixed: If importing an .FBX model, it would fail if there was no texture to map to the object. Fixed: Importing Quad based .OBJ files will automatically merge triangles into tiles. Fixed: Triangle Merging now works correctly. There are two modes (safe and forced). Safe triangle merge will require the UVs to match where they are to be merged. Forced will merge regardless. Fixed: Tooltip for the Gizmo mode and toggle icons were incorrect. Fixed: Exiting from editing an object would keep mirrored tiles selected if Object Mode Constraint was disabled. Fixed: Rounding vertices to the grid was limited to a maximum of 1 meter spacing. Now it will round to greater grid rounding values. Fixed: Resetting a camera wouldn't create an undo state for that change. Fixed: If merging vertices and exporting quads, if there is a triangular tile, it caused missing data in the .obj because it couldn't create the quad. Fixed: Spinning gif now hides the 3d crosshair and lines. Changed: Refactored some of the Undo/Redo code. Changed: Number inputs now accept commas, however they will be converted. This is to support countries that use commas for decimals. Changed: Exporting objects will now use their name for the g value in .obj files rather than "Scene." Changed: Camera render settings will be remembered. Changed: Optimized some code related to raycasting, and fixed mouse movement events firing too quickly. Improved: Holding keys down will wait until next render loop to fire to avoid firing too many times. Improved: Painting and erasing tiles should perform quicker now. Improved: Program should run quicker when there are many tiles in the scene. v.1.6.5 (July 6, 2021) Added: UV Padding will now be visible in the tileset when selecting tiles if padding is being used. Added: UV Padding will now be subtracted from the tilebrush size to keep pixels accurate. This can be disabled by going to Edit > Settings > Tileset > Subtract Padding... Added: UV Padding will now take into account if tile selections are multiple tiles wide or high by adding extra padding to the right and bottom. This can be disabled by going to Edit > Settings > Tileset > Multiply Padding... Added: Option to disable the selection of vertices. Go to Edit > Settings > Edit Mode > Disable Vertex Selection. Added: Hotkey to toggle whether vertex selection is enabled or disabled. Hotkey is unassigned by default. To assign a key, go to Edit > Buttons > Edit mode > Disable Vertex Selection. Added: Mouse coordinates to the Painting panel. Added: Ability to drag and drop .crocotile files into program to load them. Added: A Decal Offset option when exporting files. This will offset any decals by the provided amount (useful if you need it baked into the geometry). Added: Pressing Shift+T twice will now hide/show the Tilt Anchor. Added: Export settings are now remembered between sessions. Fixed: Clicking a vertex would sometimes click an Object behind it. Fixed: When dragging a vertex, it would in some cases select the hovered Object when releasing the mouse. Fixed: When opening the Camera Render panel, the selection box for selecting the cameras wouldn't scroll if list was longer than the box. Fixed: The palette area inside the Painting panel wouldn't scroll when using the scroll wheel. Fixed: Tiles with vertices collapsed onto itself are now selectable. Fixed: Sometimes selecting vertices would fail if the tile was at an odd angle with the camera. Fixed: If you delete a value in the transform->translate menu and leave it blank when hitting apply, it would irreversably delete your selection. Fixed: Clicking multiple mouse buttons at the same time would cause button states to be inaccurate. This caused some things to stop working, such as Undos/Redos. Fixed: Pressing the period key on Russian keyboard caused some key bindings to get locked up. Perhaps other keyboards/keys also were affected? Fixed: Deconstructing a scaled object did not preserve the scaling. v.1.6.4 (May 27, 2021) Added: You can now scale objects! Added: Camera objects now have a Target that they point towards. You can also disable this in the Camera's properties if you prefer. Added: Cameras and Camera targets can now be selected and moved just like any other object. Added: Properties in the Transform panel. Set the position,rotation,scale of selected elements (objects, cameras, etc). Added: Objects, Cameras and their targets will now round to nearest pixel or grid when this operation is performed (previously vertices only were affected). Added: Snap crosshair and Snap gizmo actions will now include objects,camera,lights,etc if mouse is hovering over them. This allows you to easily reposition the crosshair or gizmo to their positions. Added: Context menus for Cameras. You can right-click a selected Camera or target to bring up a context menu. Added: New information for Cameras and Transforms in the Howto and Localization. Fixed: Drawing tiles into the 3d scene would result with tiny gaps between tiles. This is now fixed! Fixed: Dragging beyond edge of Tileset while panning would cause it to nudge at the same time. Fixed: Resetting the rotation of an object and then editing it would revert back the rotation. Fixed: Apply Tilebrush UVs to selected tiles, via the Tile panel context menu; Would cause selected tiles in Objects to look selected but not function as selected. Fixed: Rounding vertices to nearest pixel would instead round them to the grid when undoing/redoing that operation. Fixed: The cube skybox would display the top and bottom portions rotated 90 degrees from the expected orientation in the texture. Fixed: Changing the Base-pixel unit size and rescaling the scene wouldn't scale cameras or other entities. v.1.6.3 (April 7, 2021) Added: Prioritize Gizmo option in the Settings > Edit. Sometimes the mouse may hover over a vertex and the Gizmo simultaneously. This option controls whether the Gizmo gets priority or the vertices gets priority when clicking. Changed: Vertices won't become highlighted if Gizmo if hovered (if Gizmo has priority). Changed: Exiting the program via shortcut key is now Alt+F4 instead of Esc. Changed: Esc key will now close open panels. Changed: Tab key will now work regardless of which area is focused (3d scene or side-panel). Fixed: Rotations of objects using the Gizmo would not save correctly, and would also revert when using Transform tab. Fixed: Lock icons would display incorrectly on the export panel when exporting. Fixed: Face selection color would revert to red when toggling off Active Edit Mode regardless of the face selection color setting. Fixed: After rendering a Camera the background color settings would be overwritten. Fixed: Gizmo will now move when pressing WASD keys (not when holding Shift). v.1.6.2 (March 29, 2021) Added: New 3d Gizmo! If Gizmo is enabled, it will appear when selecting vertices/faces/instances. (X to toggle on/off, Shift+X to toggle mode). Added: Hotkey to snap Gizmo to nearest vertex mouse is hovering over (Alt+X). Added: Hotkey to snap Gizmo to center of selection (Shift+Alt+X). Added: Hotkey to move Gizmo without moving the selection (Shift). Added: Hotkey to transform the Crosshair via the Gizmo (Alt). This allows you to quickly rotate or translate the Crosshair with the mouse. Added: Rotate Interval input on the Tileset tab. This value controls the degree interval for the Gizmo when rotating. Added: New hotkey to round vertices to the nearest pixel! Press O, or open the context-menu in Edit mode and select Vertices > Align vertices to the nearest pixel. Added: Crosshair orientation inputs in the Transform tab! Use these to rotate and tilt the crosshair. Added: Gizmo checkbox in the Transform tab to apply transformations relative to the Gizmo. Added: Double-sided mode button on the Tileset tab. This will also serve as a visual indicator for the currently selected Tileset. Added: Double-sided textures now save their setting in the project file. Added: Color setting for Selected Faces in the settings. Go to Settings > Edit to change the color of selected faces. Added: Ability to lock Objects/Cameras/Layers in the Scene tab! Locked items cannot be removed or edited. Everything within a locked Layer is also locked! Changed: Round vertices to grid now uses Ctrl+O. Changed: Snap crosshair to the grid now uses Alt+O to snap it to the grid. Changed: Enter key now also works in Draw mode for entering/exiting Object Edit Mode. Fixed: When exporting .gltf/.glb files with Vertex Normals set to Flat, the normals would be incorrect. Fixed?: When pressing multiple keys on international keyboards, the generated charcodes would cause the key bindings to stop working. Fixed: Undoing edits to a prefab object with Mirrored settings would cause errors if not in Object Edit Mode. Fixed: Dragging items in the Scene tab would prevent undos/redos until user clicks again. v.1.6.1c (March 14, 2021) Fixed: UVs operations would only get applied to one tile. Fixed: Viewcube wouldn't function correctly when clicking it. v.1.6.1b (March 12, 2021) Fixed: Camera rotate/pan/zoom wouldn't work correctly with custom button settings. Fixed: Context-menus could be positioned at the wrong locations for some users. v.1.6.1 (March 9, 2021) Added: Quad export option for .obj files. Exports the tiles as quads instead of triangles! Added: Obj export option to "Use Groups" (when exporting a scene). This specifies if tiles of instances will be "Grouped". Added: Sub-dividing now has the option to sub-divide all the selected tiles. Added: Select all tiles that use current tileset. This action is found in the Edit-mode context menu within the UVs submenu, or the Tileset context menu. Added: Deselect all tiles that use current tileset. This action is found in the Edit-mode context menu within the UVs submenu, or the Tileset context menu. Changed: Rotation of Prefab Brush now rotates around Z-axis instead of Y-axis (use Q and R to rotate). You can use Shift+Q/E to rotate around Y-axis. Fixed: Rendering orthographic camera would stretch when side-panel was docked. Fixed: Exporting gltf/glb files without embedded images would result in invalid files. Fixed: Importing .obj,.gltf,.glb,.fbx files with multiple textures could have imported incorrectly. Fixed: Arrow helpers and edge indicator now look consistent at any zoom level. Fixed: Deselecting with lasso would sometimes select/deselect faces unintentionally. Fixed: Tilebrush could be visible when creating a spinning gif. Fixed: Dragging the mouse beyond the Tileset & UVs panel will now cause them to pan. Fixed: Wireframe of tile/object being hovered over will now be invisible when rendering a camera or spinning gif. Fixed: Resizing a tileset while in Object Edit Mode would incorrectly adjust the uvs in the instance being edited. Fixed: UV fill/trace would use incorrect colors. Fixed: Export UVs as image would use incorrect colors. Fixed: Cardinal button rotation would sometimes be inaccurate. Fixed: Tilebrush would become visible while using prefab brush when holding/releasing Shift. Improved: Updated Three.js 3d library. Improved: Optimized the displaying of the Grid and UVs on the Painting and UVs tabs. Improved: Add Documentation and Localization entries for the new export features. v.1.6.0 (February 19, 2021) Added: Dark color theme! You can change the color theme in the Settings. Added: Buttons for actions can now be pinned to the top of the 3d panel. Go to the Buttons settings to pin/unpin actions. Added: Shortcut key for Subdividing a tile. Must be in Active edit mode, and mouse hovering the tile you want to subdivide. Fixed: Skybox wouldn't render if the skybox was set to invisible. Fixed: Zoom in shortcut wouldn't work on the numpad. Fixed: Numpad keys wouldn't bind correctly and pressing numpad number keys would cause shortcuts to stop working. Fixed: Loading warning would continue to let you load a scene even when clicking Cancel. v.1.5.9b (February 6, 2021) Added: Cylinder and Sphere skyboxes. You can select the skybox shape in the Project area of the Settings. Fixed: Saving after a backup file has been saved will save to the backup file instead! Fixed: HSL color picker was broken. Changed: Moved the skybox.png and swamp.crocotile files to the misc folder and added pngs for the sphere and cylinder skyboxes. v.1.5.9 (February 4, 2021) Added: Actions in the Tileset, UVs, and Painting tabs can now be customized in the Buttons settings. Added: Dockable side panel! The secondary window is now docked by default and can be undocked! Added: Camera settings are now saved in project files. It will return the camera to the position/orientation when loaded. Added: Backup saves. The program will attempt to create backups of the scene every 5 minutes in the program folder. Improved: Tileset tab has had its code refactored. Improved: UVs tab has had its code refactored. Improved: Painting tab has had its code refactored. Improved: Jquery has been removed! If there are any rare bugs related to this change, please report them! Improved: Zooming the tileset with mousewheel will now zoom towards the mouse position. Improved: Performance with displaying UVs on the Tileset canvas. Improved: Better support for multiple monitors. Tileset window can be maximized now too. Improved: Tilesize, UV precision, UV padding, Grid rounding, Splitting. All of these can now be fractional values. Fixed: .mtl files would export with materials set to fully transparent (Tr 1.00000). Now it is fixed and set to 0. Fixed: Will now save UV Rotation value between sessions. Fixed: Placing decals on non-decals of the same tilesize would cause them to be erased. Fixed: Placing tiles would sometimes cause small gaps between edges of tiles along corners and where tiles would change direction. Fixed: MacOS version would fail to start up. Fixed: Large tilesets would cause the program to stop rendering correctly when zoomed into the tileset. Fixed: Importing an Obj file without any UV data would fail to load. v.1.5.8b (December 29, 2020) Fixed: MacOS version would fail to start up. v.1.5.8 (December 22, 2020) Added: Error messages if importing encounters an error. Added: An action to make the camera look in the direction of the Crosshair. Right-click in edit mode and select "Look at Crosshair" from the Camera sub menu. Added: Links in the About panel to the Crocotile website, Youtube channel, Discord channel, Patreon page, and Reddit. Added: New words to the Localization document. Added: Create Object button in the Scene tab, to easily create objects (tiles must be selected first). Added: New Camera object can be added to the scene from the Scene tab! Added: New render method, to render from specific cameras in the scene! Go to Edit > Render > Camera. Improved: Scene tab has been completely overhauled and now functions better, allowing nested layers. Improved: Transform tab has had its code refactored. Improved: Improvements to the Camera zoom. Fixed: Transform zooming now functions correctly for Orthographic camera. Fixed: Mac version; Localization options not showing, or causing text to be undefined. Fixed: Mac version; Wouldn't save settings or buttons. Fixed: Mac version; Would have to type in activation key each time opening the program. Fixed: Loading Obj files would potentially fail if they had lines or points included in their data. Changed: Refactored the loading of the Tileset window to help cases where it may fail to load. v.1.5.7 (November 19, 2020) Fixed: Importing a .obj file with a .mtl file that has no textures would fail to load. Fixed: Importing a .glb, or .gltf file might fail to load. Fixed: Importing might fail if .obj had data that wasn't Mesh data, such as Linesegments. Fixed: Loading a crocotile scene the first time would assign the textures to the wrong tiles for some users. Fixed: Resizing the window while in Orthographic mode wouldn't update the camera correctly. v.1.5.6 (October 28, 2020) Added: Import .gltf,.glb,.fbx,.obj files! Select "Import Model" from the File menu. Added: Divide tiles by their triangles. Select "Triangle Divide" in the "Faces" context submenu while in Edit mode. This will split tiles into two triangles. Added: Merge triangles together to form tiles. Select "Triangle Merge" in the "Faces" context submenu while in Edit mode. This will merge pairs of triangles into single tiles. A pair of triangles must share two vertices together. Added: Shortcut key (O) for rounding selected UVs to the nearest pixel in the UVs panel. Added: Wireframe color option in the Settings panel. Added: Number of tiles, vertices, and instances selected is now display. Changed: Expanded the zoom limit to 3200 and also zoom out distance to 0.1. Fixed: Importing a prefab and then undoing and redoing that process would cause errors (related to mirroring/billboarding). Fixed: Improved performance of 'Apply Tileset to the selected Faces' operation (reduced calls to tileset window). Fixed: Improved performance of selecting many faces (reduced calls to tileset window). Fixed: Improved performance of lasso selection while editing an instance (excluded unnecessary operations to tiles outside of object). v.1.5.5 (October 8, 2020) Added: Flatten UVs of Tiles. This will take the shape of the tiles and apply it to their UVs so that the UVs match the shape of the tile. Choose "Transform > Flatten" from the UVs context menu. You must have the UVs selected that you want flattened. Added: Rotate UVs by holding Shift and clicking and dragging the UVs. UVs will rotate around the crosshair. Keep Shift held to rotate at the intervals specified in the Rotation input box. You can also hold Shift to snap to another UV coordinate to align edges simply. Added: Rotation input box in the UVs panel to control the angle of rotations. Added: Next/previous tileset stuff on UVs tab. Added: Shortcut keys ctrl+[ and ctrl+] for switch tilesets. Now works on UVs panel. Added: Combine selected vertices together and place them at the Crosshair position. Press the . (period) key while vertices are selected. Added: Shortcut key (B) for toggling the "Select single/multiple" button in the UVs panel. Changed: Adjusted the edge highlighting. Now only visible when using the Sticky tool. Also slightly thinner. Fixed: Holding Shift to snap UV coordinates to other UV coordinates wouldn't work. Fixed: Clicking vertices wouldn't work properly if tiles had been reversed or flipped (due to changes with the additions of the sticky tool). Fixed: Dragging vertices wouldn't work properly due to introduction of the sticky tool. Fixed: Clicking and hovering over vertices in Orthographic mode wouldn't work properly. v.1.5.4 (September 29, 2020) Added: Select tiles that are using Tilebrush's UVs. Right-click in the tileset panel to open context and select 'Select Tiles using Tilebrush's'. Added: Apply Tilebrush UVs to selected faces. Right-click in the tileset panel to open context, or Right-click in scene while in Edit mode to open context menu and select 'Faces > Apply Tilebrush UVs to Faces'. Added: Shortcut key for switching between orthographic and perspective modes (Alt+9). Added: French language is now available in the application (press F2 to open the About panel and select from the Language dropdown list). Added: French language is now completed in the How To documentation page. Changed: When saving, it will now remain in object edit mode if you are currently editing an object. Fixed: Applying UVs of the tilebrush to existing tiles would sometimes apply to tiles behind them while dragging the mouse. Fixed: Clicking objects would sometimes click through to tiles behind the object. Fixed: Rotations in the UVs panel were innaccurate if the tileset wasn't square. Fixed: Right-clicking the selected tile in the Tileset panel without dragging would incorrectly swap the tile. Fixed: Entering object edit mode with Object Mode Constraint disabled would leave mirrored tiles selected. v.1.5.3 (September 19, 2020) Added: New Block tool for drawing blocks into the 3d scene. Add or subtract blocks like Minecraft and then modify and shape them further. Added: New Sticky tool for drawing tiles into the 3d scene. This allows you to easily snap new tiles to pre-existing tiles in the scene without moving the crosshair. Added: Holding Shift while using Sticky tool will rescale the tile to the size of the edge a tile is sticking to. Added: Press Alt+C to snap the Crosshair to the nearest vertex that the mouse is hovering over. Added: Spanish language is now available in the application (press F2 to open the About panel and select from the Language dropdown list). Added: French language is now available in the How To documentation page. Added: Option in the Transforms tab to select between Pixel units and Meter units when translating positions. Added: The context menu in Edit mode now has a "Crosshair" submenu with "Center to Selection" and "Round to Grid" items. Added: Shortcut key for toggling wireframe on tiles (Ctrl+9). Changed: Applying UVs from the Tilebrush onto an existing tile by holding Alt can now be applied across multiple tiles by clicking and dragging. Changed: Centering the crosshair to the selection would automatically round it to the grid. This is now fixed, and only applies when "Lock Crosshair to grid" is toggled in the settings. Changed: Added shortcut key information to the buttons in the main window and the paint tools in the paint tab. Changed: Copying and Applying UVs to and from the Tilebrush will now also change the tileset as well. Fixed: Clicking the Edit/Draw Mode button at the top of the scene wouldn't enable/disable their corresponding shortcut keys. Fixed: Mouse wheel wouldn't scroll in the Tranform tab and Scene tab. Fixed: Undoing/Redoing a change to the base pixel size could fail due to the Settings panel being closed. Fixed: Exporting multiple objects would fail if "Export all images/mtl" was unchecked and objects weren't using any tiles from currently selected tileset. Fixed: If pressing multiple mouse buttons at the same time over and over again, it would cause an error that would make the scene become unresponsive. Fixed: Adding prefab objects to the scene via left-clicking would not take into account if there was already an object placed there. Fixed?: Undoing the 'Combine Tileset' operation wouldn't restore some tiles to their correct tileset. v.1.5.2 (August 26, 2020) Added: New Language selector in Crocotile application. Located in the About panel by pressing F2. Open the localization.html file to create your own translations! Changed: The Howto.html file is updated and now can be translated! Send me your translations to be included in the program and online. Fixed: Exporting .Gltf and .Glb files would invert the UVs and Textures in the Y axis, which could cause them to appear incorrectly when importing into other programs. Now they will be auto-flipped when exporting these filetypes. Fixed: Drawing with symmetry would be off by one pixel if the brush was larger than 1 pixel. Fixed: Drawing lines using Shift would draw from the scrollbar after clicking the scrollbar in the Painting tab Fixed: Drawing lines using Shift would draw from the last position clicked after panning the canvas with the Spacebar. Fixed: Azerty and Qzerty key binding files included in the misc folder were causing buttons not to work when loaded. These have been updated. Fixed: Symmetry lines would not show up on tiles in 3d scene when drawing. Fixed: If crosshair is hidden via pressing the 9 key, moving the mouse if arrow helpers are enabled would cause it to become visible again. Fixed: Rotating using Q,E when looking down or up when Tilt is not enabled would rotate the selection in the wrong direction. Fixed: When exporting Prefabs as .c3dp files, .crocotile would get appended to the end of the filename. Changed: Texture prefix value is now remembered between exports. v.1.5.1 (July 25, 2020) Added: New camera transforms. Reposition, rotate, zoom the camera via input parameters in the Tranforms tab. Added: Lock camera panning to specific axes, Lock rotation, Lock Zoom. Options located in the Transform tab. Added: Set background color (with skybox disabled). Option in the Settings. Added: Set background Transparency (with skybox disabled). Option in the Settings. Screenshots will be saved with transparency too. Added: Option to create blank transparent tilesets. Added: Alpha transparency slider in the Painting tab. Allows control of the alpha channel when painting. Added: Alpha application type (unique/mixed). Toggle modes by clicking the button next to the alpha slider. Mixed will add to what is already drawn, while the Unique mode will overwrite the transparency that is already in the texture. Fixed: If exporting while editing an object, it would duplicate those tiles. Fixed: Couldn't open context-menu if mouse was hovering over an unselected object. Added: Reset settings button in the Settings. This will reset all the settings for the application back to their default values. v.1.5.0 (July 9, 2020) Added: New Tilt feature for the 3d crosshair. This allows the crosshair/grid to be tilted relative to a tile's edge so that you can draw and edit at different angles. Hover over a tile and press Shift+T to set the anchor relative to the tiles edge. Press T to toggle Tilt mode on/off. Added: Button in the Transform tab to toggle between (x,y,z) or a relative direction (right,up,backward) depending on camera orientation. Added: Translate crosshair options in the Tranform tab. This allows you to shift the crosshair by a specific amount. Added: Symmetry options for the Pencil and Eraser tools. A vertical and horizontal symmetry line that can be toggled on/off. Improved: Reduced some processes while scene is being rotated and panned. v.1.4.9b (June 15, 2020) Added: Field of View setting. It is found in the Settings inside the Camera section. Fixed: Sometimes rotating/panning the camera would introduce large movement spikes. Fixed: Painting over tiles in a rotated object would cause many duplicate tiles to be created. This bug was caused by a recent change in the previous version to fix small gaps. Should be fixed now. v.1.4.9 (June 13, 2020) Added: Render spinning Gif animations. Edit > Render > Spin Gif Added: Dither option in the Painting tab for the pencil and eraser tools. Adjust the slider at the top to control the amount of dithering. Added: Grid option in the Painting tab. Displays a grid overlay using the tilesize dimensions. Added: UV option in the Painting tab. Displays the UVs of any currently selected tiles. Added: Mirror, Flip, and Rotate buttons in the Painting tab for transforming selections with the Marquee, Lasso, and MagicWand tools. Added: Transfer UVs to the texture by auto-tracing their lines. Select the Paint > Trace option from within the context menu inside the UVs tab. Added: Fill in areas of the tileset that are inside the selected UVs. Open the UV context menu and goto Paint > Fill solid, or Fill checkered. Added: A checkered option in the Create blank tileset panel. This will create a checkered pattern based on the Checker Size value in the settings. Added: A checkered option in the Resize tileset panel. If canvas is enlarged, this will create a checkered pattern based on the Checker Size value in the settings. Added: A checkered option for the paint bucket tool. This will fill an area with a checkered pattern based on the Checker Size value in the settings. Added: Export UV map option. Open the UV context menu and goto Paint > Export UV map. This will allow you to save out the UVs as an image file. Added: Hold Alt key to prevent selecting a vert when clicking it, incase you want to move crosshair to it without selecting the vert. Changed: Dragging a vertex would cause the crosshair to get repositioned. Now it won't get repositioned when dragging verts. Changed: UV padding can now be set to a fraction, such as 0.01. Changed: Using the Scrollwheel will now zoom in the Tileset/UV/Painting panels. Changed: Create blank tileset panel now uses the paint colors as default. Changed: Contiguous option for the Paint Bucket and Magic Wand now use an icon to toggle instead of a worded checkbox. Fixed: The grid rounding value would become a fractional number or become inaccurate when loading a new scene after having used a custom base pixel unit. Fixed: There would be small gaps between tiles due to some unknown inaccuracies. New tiles now have their vertices snapped to any old vertices that are very closeby. Fixed: Dragging verts would be locked to the x,y,z axis. Now it drags them based on camera direction. v.1.4.8 (May 30, 2020) Fixed: Could click on vertices and faces that were beyond the camera view distance, causing them to become selected. Fixed: Sometimes couldn't erase tiles that were flipped/rotate/reversed. Fixed: Select all would cause errors if trying to select all tiles of a mirrored object. Fixed: Click and dragging UV coordinate of a triangle (where two coordinates of the same tile overlap) in the uv panel would not separate the uv coordinates. Fixed: When loading new scene, the uvs weren't cleared. Fixed: Deleting an input value in the Tileset window without setting it to another value would leave it empty and undefined. Added: UVs context-menu now has a 'Round to nearest pixel' action to set the selected UV coordinates to the nearest pixel. Added: Hold Shift while dragging UVs to snap onto other UVs hovered over. Also moves UVs using a precision of 1 pixel. Added: A new Base Pixel Unit in the settings to control how many pixels per meter (one 3d unit). It is located in the new Project section of the settings. Changed: Tilesize and tilescale now work in conjunction with a Base Pixel Unit that is defined in the settings. Changed: The Grid rounding value can now be set to any value irrespective of the tilesize. Changed: UV Padding for the left, right, top, and bottom of a tile can now be set. This enables the ability to separate tiles by 1 pixel and then use padding on just the right and bottom sides or just the left or top for example. Changed: Pressing spacebar in any tab with Tileset window in focus will now also pass the keypress to the main window. v.1.4.7 (May 20, 2020) Added: Decal option for tilesets. Tilesets now have a button to toggle Decal mode on/off. With this mode on, tiles placed over other tilesets won't have any z-fighting. Added: New UV tab to the tileset window, and more ways to edit the UV coordinates. Added: Wireframe option in the settings. This will display the wireframe of tiles and objects in the scene. Added: FPS input in the settings to adjust the framerate at which the scene renders. Added: Individual Key bindings can be cleared/removed. In the buttons settings, click the 'Clear' button next to the key sequence. Added: Clone a prefab object. Right-click the object in the scene tab and choose 'Clone Object'. The new object will be added to the list. Improved: Selecting tiles that are overlapping will select the smaller of the two. Fixed: Selecting vertices that are overlapping/coinciding the face of another tile would sometimes select the face or fail to move the crosshair point. Fixed: Clearing a palette and loading the default palette wouldn't work on Linux. Fixed: In some cases there would be scrollbars visible in the 3d scene window. Fixed: When loading custom key bindings, it would reload them several times. Fixed: Copying an empty selection in the Painting tab after resizing would copy the original sized version. Changed: Pressing spacebar while in Tileset tab with Tileset window in focus will now also pass the keypress to the main window. v.1.4.6 (May 6, 2020) Fixed: Left-clicking after panning the camera would cause the context menu to open while in Edit mode. Improved: Panning a tileset while holding spacebar will now continue as the mouse leaves the tileset window. Improved: Moving or resizing a selection in the Drawing window will nudge the scrollbars if the mouse leaves the window. Fixed: Running Crocotile from a pinned shortcut on the traskbar wouldn't recognize the full-version for Steam users. Fixed: In some rare cases, the drawing cursor and overlays in the Painting tab would not be aligned correctly. Fixed: In some cases, the 1px black border to the side of the tileset would get magnified when zoomed in. Fixed: Switching between tabs in the Tileset window would calculate the Y scroll position innaccurately. v.1.4.5 (April 29, 2020) Fixed: For some users Crocotile would sometimes fail to load completely. This should be fixed now. Fixed: Zooming inside the tileset or paint window would calculate the Y position inaccurately. Fixed: Panning the camera in Linux/MacOS would open the context menu. Fixed: Opening the context menu on Linux/MacOS would potentially cause issues due to it firing on mousedown rather than mouseup. Fixed: If camera controls were bound to only use the mouse without keys pressed, other bindings that used mouse with a key wouldn't fire. Added: Key binding option for erasing prefab object instances. Fixed: HowTo would not open from Help menu on Linux. v.1.4.4 (April 27, 2020) Fixed: .gltf and .glb files wouldn't export correctly if there were any tilesets not being used in the scene. Changed: Deconstructing instances with mirrored tiles will now add the mirrored tiles to the scene. Fixed: Saving files on linux would not automatically add extensions to the filenames. v.1.4.3 (April 25, 2020) Added: Export .gltf and .glb files. This will package all the textures and geometry into one file that can be easily imported into other programs. Changed: Adjusted the way scripts are loaded in an attempt to avoid a potential issue where the program does not finish loading completely. Fixed: Right-clicking a listed object or layer in the Scene tab wouldn't open the context menu on MacOS. It will now open correctly. Added: Select nearest vertex on face when holding Ctrl and clicking the face. Useful for selecting a specific vertex when vertices overlap. Added: Shortcut keys to move/strafe the camera left or right horizontally (space+g and space+j). v.1.4.2 (April 15, 2020) Fixed: Tileset Padding was broken during Export if a padding value was used. This is now fixed. Added: Prefab objects now have a setting that enables a bulletin board effect. Right-click the listed object in the Scene tab and select Properties or double-click the listed object (not the name). Added: Prefab objects now have a Mirror mode setting in their properties. This will mirror the tiles across one of the object's xyz axis while you build and edit it. Added: Copy and Pasting in the Paint tab will now allow you to copy/paste images to and from other programs. Fixed: Exporting a Prefab Object would put it into the recently opened list, change the title of the window, and also clear the "check for changes" action that is used when closing or loading a scene (this could cause you to close without notifying you there were unsaved changes). Fixed: When deleting a Prefab Object, it would potentially cause an issue that prevented other Prefab Objects from being exported. Fixed: Tilebrush wouldn't become enabled when releasing the spacebar before releasing a mouse button while controlling the camera. Changed: Pressing C while nothing is selected will now center the camera to the 3d crosshair. Fixed: When changing an object or layer name, releasing the mouse button outside the input box after selecting the text would cause it to stop editing the name. Fixed: An error that could happen when exiting Object Edit Mode which would prevent it from exiting properly. v.1.4.1 (April 4, 2020) Changed: There is now a button in the Tileset tab to toggle between the texture wrap modes (Clamp to edge, Repeat, and Mirrored repeat). Tilesets default to Edge mode, and require manually changing if you need them to repeat their texture. Repeating textures will appear blurry if the tileset image dimensions aren't a power of two (2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512..etc). Fixed: Replacing a tileset with an updated version using "Replace Tileset" wouldn't work. Added: Vertex Normal Type/Threshold options when Exporting. Specify the angle in degrees where normals become averaged. If the angle between surfaces are within this angle, the vertex normals will be averaged betweeen them. (Note: a value of 90 produces strange results, so use 89 instead). Added: Checkbox in export options to select/deselect all layers and objects. Changed: Adjusted some of the interface styling to be more consistent. Added: Load different palette formats (c3dpal, pal, ase, gpl, png). You can choose a png image and it will find all the opaque colors from it. Added: Remove Duplicate colors option in the Palette menu. This will remove any duplicate colors in your palette. Changed: Tilesets now get refreshed whenever the application is focused (if auto refresh is enabled). Returning from a paint program will trigger the refresh. v.1.4.0 (March 26, 2020) Fixed: Saving a scene wouldn't save whether the skybox is visible or not, so when loading a scene it would always be set visible. Fixed: Setting a binding using Enter key would always place it at the beginning of the command sequence. Now it should stay at the end of the sequence. Added: Option in key bindings to set "Toggle Active Mode" with either; key, mouse, key OR mouse, key AND mouse. Added: Option in key bindings to set "Context Edit Menu" with either; mouse, key AND mouse. (Right-mouse button only). Added: Option in key bindings to set "Erase Tile" with either; mouse, key AND mouse. (Right-mouse button only). Added: Option in key bindings to set "Cardinal Buttons". Changed: Key bindings for Rotate,Zoom,Pan can now be set to either; mouse, key And mouse. This allows the bindings to not be bound to a key. Rotate, Zoom, and Pan can share the same mouse button as well. Fixed: Clicking vertices behind tiles with Camera Based Selection disabled would sometimes not select them. Fixed: Clicking vertices behind tiles with Camera Based Selection disabled would also select the face you are hovering over. Improved: Selecting verts/faces/objects should process quicker. Improved: Operations on large quantities of tiles should perform quicker. Improved: Upgraded three.js library to the latest version. Fixed: Arrow helpers wouldn't display correct position when in rotate/resize mode. Fixed: Skybox would become out of sync when adjusting the camera quickly. Fixed: Camera movement after zooming and switching between perspective and orthographic modes would sometimes break the mouse panning. Fixed: Moving vertices would become offset from the grid and crosshair if the w,a,s,d keys were being held down. Changed: Tilesets have texture wrapping enabled to allow for repeating an image across a single tile. Added: New option in the Tileset menu; "Add selected tiles to new Tileset". This will create a new tileset based off the currently selected tiles in the tileset window. Fixed: Clicking the Tileset scrollbar would change the selected tile size. Changed: The Zoom menu and Palette menu are now more standardized. This fixes any issues they had in the past. Added: Reset Bindings button in the Buttons config. This will reset all the controls back to their default settings. v.1.3.9 (March 15, 2020) Fixed: There was an issue in some cases where you wouldn't be able to erase certain tiles. Fixed: Couldn't draw tiles near others if grid rounding is high because it thought the tile was overlapping. Fixed: Placing tiles ontop of other tiles that face the other way now works without removing the other tile. Fixed: In some cases when exporting some tiles would not display the correct texture uvs.​ v.1.3.8 (March 14, 2020) Improved: There still were issues with Merging vertices on export. Changed the way vertices were merged to fix these issues. Fixed: Setting the tilesize wouldn't update the grid-rounding value. Fixed: Opening a new blank scene may not have kept settings that were previously set. Fixed: Splitting or sub-dividing a tile inside an object would cause new instances of that object to have those tiles highlighted. Fixed: Saving a scene would add an incorrect item to the Load Recent list located in the file menu. Fixed: Deleting objects and instances would potentially cause issues if undo/redoing those deletions while editing other instances. Improved: When clicking a vertex, sometimes it would select other vertices behind it that were being hovered over. Changes were made to help prevent this. Improved: Selecting a single point consisting of multiple vertices would sometimes not select all of them if some tiles were facing away from the camera. Added: Option in the settings to lock the crosshair to the grid. This helps prevent the crosshair from getting offset or misaligned. Added: Shortcut key (Alt+C) to snap the crosshair to the grid. Useful to quickly snap the crosshair to the grid if you haven't been locking it to the grid. Fixed: In some cases, drawing tiles to the scene would position them slightly offset from the crosshair plane. v.1.3.7 (March 12, 2020) Added: Realign the selected vertices/faces to the grid, based on the current grid-rounding value. Right-click while in edit mode, go to Vertices, then choose Align vertices to the grid. Or press the O key. Added: Ability to set 3d tilescale x and y values independent of each other. Fixed: There was an issue with clicking tiles next to the scrollbar in the tileset window. Fixed: Some vertices could fail to merge when exporting. Added: Move forwards (Spacebar + Y) and backwards (Spacebar + H). Changed: The Settings now contain different sections to help organize and make space for future settings. Fixed: Hiding and showing the lines via pressing the 0 number key wouldn't work the first time you pressed it. Added: Vertex size option. Adjusts how big the vertices look. Improved: Various improvements to selecting/clicking/dragging vertices. Improved: Quitting the application won't prompt you if you have saved all your changes. Loading will prompt you if you haven't saved. Added: Recently opened/saved scenes now are listed in the File menu! Easily reload previous scenes this way. v.1.3.6 (March 4, 2020) Fixed bug: If the tileset window was positioned near the bottom of the screen, the magnification menu would close when clicking. Added the working file's name to the Window title.This helps remind you which file you have open. Added: Restore the zoom levels of tileset/paint tab between sessions. Added: Context menu shortcuts should reflect the custom bindings now. Fixed: Power of 2 textures weren't being exported when option was selected without tilespacing. Added: A scaling option when exporting. Multiplies the vertices positions by this value. Added: Border for the tilesets (When transparent pixels on edge, wouldn't see where it ends). Added: Option in settings (Align brush to crosshair) to offset tiles in 3d scene in draw mode so that their edge starts on the crosshair. Added: Option in settings (Overlap Tilebrush) controls whether a larger selected portion of the tileset will align with its size or align with a 1x1 brush size. Fixed: When loading a scene, the tilebrush wouldn't display the correct tilescale. Improved: Reduced the lag with selecting many vertices and faces with the lasso box. Fixed: Could select objects while editing an instance with Object-constraint mode enabled. Fixed: Entering object edit mode wouldn't deselect objects if object-constraint mode was enabled. Added: Can select multiple object instances by holding Ctrl + click & drag. Can deselect multiple by holding Ctrl + Alt + click & drag. Added: Center the crosshair to the selection (Shift + C). Fixed: When mouse moved out of the scene, the tilebrush / prefab brush would remain visible. Fixed: Toggling instance's visibility would be out of sync if you drew new instances while others were invisible. Fixed: Toggling a layer's visibility wouldn't deselect instances that became invisible. Fixed: Toggling a layer's visibility would allow you to keep editing an instance even when invisible. v.1.3.5 (February 25, 2020) Added a new Palette feature in the Paint tab, along with ways to create, edit, and save/load palettes. Fixed bug: Sometimes adding a tileset wouldn't add if you had already added the same tileset recently. Fixed bug: Tile splitting input box wouldn't display the correct value when starting the application. Fixed bug: Paint bucket tool would fire when using Spacebar to pan the tileset. Fixed bug: Paint selection tools would keep the addition,subtraction, and intersect modes after selecting even if the modifier keys were released. Fixed bug: The blank tileset window did not swap the values correctly when you switch between tiles and pixels after one was modified. Fixed bug: When enabling Object-mode constraint, tiles outside the object being edited weren't being deselected. v.1.3.4 (February 18, 2020) Fixed bug: Centering camera wouldn't update the skybox position. Fixed: Drawing straight lines in the Paint tab while Shift+clicking wasn't working correctly. Fixed bug: Sometimes clicks would not select tiles if mouse was moving. Fixed bug: Could potentially split tiles that weren't selected in Active-selection mode. v.1.3.3 (February 15, 2020) Fixed bug: After using "Apply Tileset to selected Faces," the tiles would stay red when switching to Active mode. This was also the case for Applying UVs via holding the Alt key. Fixed bug: Sometimes would not be able to select certain tiles in the Tileset window when using multiple tilesets of different sizes. ​ v.1.3.2 (February 15, 2020) Fixed bug with "Apply Tileset to selected Faces." (It would remove random tiles and mess up other stuff!) Fixed issue with accidentally selecting tiles after dragging a crosshair helper. Fixed issue with buttons at top of the 3d scene being in focus. Fixed bug: Selection box would stop working (When disabling crosshair helpers while hovering over them). Fixed bug: Placing Prefab Objects might move the 3d crosshair if clicking where a vertice would be. v.1.3.1 (February 13, 2020) Fixed bug related to misaligned brush cursor and selections inside the paint tab. Fixed bug related to various paint tools not updating when clicking the canvas. Fixed bug related to the saved paint brush size. Added "Add Blank Tileset" in the tileset menu. This can be used to quickly create a blank tileset without having to load an image. Fixed issue related to dragging files into the application, causing it to cease working. Added split shortcut info to the context menu when right-clicking in edit mode. Added a direct link in the Help menu that will open the howto.html file. Fixed missing eye icons in the Scene tab. Fixed layers in Scene tab to properly hide/show objects when clicking the eye icons (It wouldn't work after a scene was loaded). Fixed issue related to loading a file when currently in active-edit mode (this would cause inability to select vertices/faces after new scene is loaded). Fixed issue with orthographic camera near frustum plane causing tiles to be hidden when zoomed in. Fixed issue with lasso selection box in 3d scene not appearing over tiles when zoomed in. Changed the Tileset zoom to max out at 1600% instead of 800% Fixed issue with Tileset window not keeping its position when zooming in and out of tilesets. Changed screenshots to use timestamp for unique filename. Added ability to specify the folder to save screenshots to in the Settings. v.1.3.0b (February 4, 2020) Fixed issue related to Application failing to load completely. Added shortcut key (Shift+X) for toggling between the Crosshair Arrow modes (Move, Rotate, Resize). v.1.3.0 (February 4, 2020) Added a tilescale setting to adjust the default size of the 3d tile. Added translate, resize, and rotate options to the new transforms tab in the tileset window. Added options in the new transforms tab to set the 3d crosshair position. Added push, pull, and center alignment actions in the transforms tab that will move the selection onto the crosshair plane. Added push, pull, and center shortcut keys bindings (shift+P, ctrl+P, and P). Added a mode button for the 3d helper arrows to toggle between moving, rotating, and resizing. The helper arrows can be dragged to move, rotate, and resize the selection. Note: Resizing is limited to tiles and vertices. Added abilty to select any vertices that lay along the crosshair lines. This can be accessed from the Vertices sub-menu within the context menu when you right click the scene in Edit mode. Also added shortcut key bindings (default is set to key number 8). Added ability to reset the rotation of selected prefab objects back to (0,0,0). Right click any selected prefab objects to reveal the context menu where the action is listed (it will reset any selected objects). Fixed a bug related to the possibility of the config.ini file becoming empty when exiting the application. Fixed bug related to the disappearing line when splitting tiles in active mode. Fixed bug related to triangular tiles causing exporting issues when merge vertices is enabled (textures wouldn't be mapped correctly) Fixed bug related to splitting triangular tiles which would cause the scene to disappear and become unresponsive. Fixed a bug preventing the 3d lasso deselecting vertices and faces when editing a prefab object. Added a native Menu bar to the main window. Changed the other menubar to exclude items that are now located in the new native menu bar. Added key shortcut (Alt+S) to split an active tile where the yellow line is placed. Must be in active mode to split. Fixed bug related to painting over / erasing tiles outside of an instance being edited if object constraint mode is on. Added feature to switch the tileset of selected tiles to the currently selected tileset (found inside the tileset menu where you can add remove tilesets, etc). Changed the Alt+Left Mouse Click to take into account the currently selected tileset. It will now apply the currently selected tileset as well as the UV coordinates to the tile that has been clicked. Added ability to drag the entire UV of a tile (not just the corners) by right-clicking within the highlighted UV in the tileset window and dragging. Added a setting to drag multiple overlapping UVs. This can be toggled in the Settings window (useful for dragging two or more corners at the same time). v.1.2.9b (July 4, 2019) Changed: context menu displayed the wrong key modifier for reversing faces and flipping face edges. Fixed: Made a change to how the camera controls work to fix a bug that would cause the camera to snap back to a previous location or angle. Changed: Updated nw.js to a new version. This may prevent newer versions from running on older operating systems such as Vista. v.1.2.9 Added: new Object Mode Constraint option in the settings. When editing an instance of an object, this will prevent selecting/editing of tiles that are not part of the object. Changed: The Active selection key binding is now Shift+Enter. There is also a new key binding for the Object Edit mode (Enter). When you select an object instance, you can now simply press Enter to begin editing the object, or Enter to stop editing the object. You may also have to delete your keyconfig.ini file to prevent your old key bindings carrying over to the new version. Fixed: It would not select tiles, vertices, objects that were positioned behind invisible objects. Fixed: Deleting several hundred tiles at once would freeze the application for a while. Fixed: Due to a nw.js bug, the Debug.log file would grow in size everytime the application is closed- Implemented workaround that removes file when starting app. Changed: Importing prefab objects will now use the filename as their default name instead of a random number. Fixed: Exporting the scene wouldn't work when using only imported prefabs in the scene. Fixed: Importing a file that isn't an image for a tileset would break various tileset functionality. Files are now validated to check that they are images. Fixed: Clicking off the input boxes in the sub-divide dialog would prevent refocusing the input boxes. Fixed: Key bindings should now be disabled during some dialog boxes to prevent key issues. Added: Eye icons for objects and layers in the Scene window. These can be clicked to hide/show objects. Changed: Context menu will disable menu items for actions that are currently inaccessible. For instance, if no tiles are selected then the Faces menu item will be disabled. Fixed: Centering camera now includes selected objects/instances. Added: Objects now become highlighted in Scene tab when an Instance is being edited. v.1.2.8 Added: New crocotile themed Viewcube for rotating/panning/zooming the scene. Click and drag the crocotile to rotate/pan/zoom. It can also be positioned by dragging the small white transparent circle. Also can hide/show it by right clicking the circle. Added: New tile swapping feature. You can swap tiles by selecting tiles in the tileset window and then right-click and dragging them to the desired location. UVs of tiles in the 3d scene will get updated to the new UV locations if their UVs were inside the tile area you are repositioning. Added: New UV Padding input boxes in the Tileset window. When you select from the tiles the corresponding UVs that get generated will be padded inwards by the amount set in the input boxes (x,y). This may be useful to prevent pixels bleeding across the edges of tiles. Added: Tileset window now has a dropdown list for tilesets. This will allow you to pick your tilesets without having to cycle through them. Added: Shortcut keys for cycling through Tilesets (ctrl+[ , ctrl+]) Added: Middle mouse button for toggling Active Selection mode. Added: Mouselocking while rotating/panning/zooming. Fix: Copying a tile's UVs to the brush (alt+rightclick in 3d scene in draw mode) would trigger a keyup for the modifier keys. This would potentially cause it to erase tiles instead of copying UVs. Fix: Dragging onto tileset canvas would inadvertently select tiles. v.1.2.7b Fix: Exporting wasn't working. The updated version of nwjs that crocotile3d uses in v1.2.7 has a bug, but a workaround has been implemented now to solve the problems when exporting. v.1.2.7 Change: nwjs version has been updated to improve compatibility on newer operating systems. Please report if you experience issues running the program. Fix: alt-tabbing would cause keys to stop triggering due to window losing focus while keys are down. This has been fixed. Fix: notifications for new versions of the program weren't working correctly due to caching. Fix: Toggling double-sided mode wouldn't work for tiles that were deconstructed from an object. Fix: Clicking Crosshair Arrows without dragging them after dragging once would add the drag again to the undo stack causing undo to be inaccurate. Fix: Tileset window not being displayed under other windows. Change: Tileset window shouldn't display in taskbar unless minimized. Added: Rotate clockwise and counter-clockwise now accessible via context menu (right-clicking 3d view while in Edit mode). Added: A shortcut key for toggling crosshair arrows (the X key). v.1.2.6 Change: Unregistered users can now save if the scene has 100 tiles or less (including tiles in objects). This will allow users to test the program more freely before registering. Added: Tile spacing texture option on export. Added: Power of two texture option on export. Added: Tile count info at bottom of scene window. Added: Export multiple objects (objects listed in the scene tab). To export, go to File > Export Objects. Fix: brush/eraser tool not drawing with single clicks is now fixed. v.1.2.5 Fixed: Zooming in and out could cause the panning to move too slow or stop completely. Added: Ctrl+A will now select all faces in the scene if no faces or verts are selected. Added: Ctrl+shift+A,D to select/deselect all object instances in the scene. Changed: Pressing delete key will now also delete any object instances that are selected. Added: If a new version is available, it will notify you when you start the program. v.1.2.4b Fixed: Exporting a scene that consists only of objects would misplace the first tile of the first object. v.1.2.4 Fixed: Adjusting UVs in Active Edit mode would adjust UVs of unselected faces if their verts were selected. Added: Merge vertices option on export. Added: Save/Save As in File menu (moved other buttons into menu as well); File path is now stored so it will save to current document when saving, or open save as dialog box if you choose the Save As menu item. Added: Save As key binding; ctrl+shift+s Added: When saving, it will show brief message when save is successful. That way if you press ctrl+s to save, you will know if it has saved. Fixed: Saving/Loading/Exporting now remembers the current directory. Fixed: Exporting scene to .obj would fail if consisted of only instances of objects. Change: Exported scenes with many objects will include each object as a separate group in the .obj file. This is useful if you are importing the .obj into another program and need to keep everything separated. Added: New export option for .MTL files. This will allow you to import .obj files into other programs and have all the textures applied correctly. This will export every texture too, and the .mtl file will reference these. v.1.2.3 Fixed: Program would become unresponsive and crash when quitting if new scene was created previously. Fixed: Selecting vertices with the marquee would sometimes not work. Fixed: Moving tiles that are a part of an object at the same time with tiles that are not a part of an object would move them in different directions. Added: Crosshair arrows can now move Objects. Added: Textures can now be double-sided by pressing number 9 on keyboard. This toggles double-sided mode on/off for the currently selected tileset. This is more of a temporary solution for those requesting the feature. v.1.2.2 Fixed: Mouse wheel wasn't working for zooming. Fixed: Resizing tileset would mess up UVs for objects. Fixed: Object points would appear larger when using a lower resolution. Added: Options to select/deselect all objects in the scene regardless of type. Accessed in the context-menu by right-clicking the 3d scene. v.1.2.1 Added: New keybinding system. Read help file for more information and also be sure to report any bugs or issues if you find any. Added: Ability to rotate selection clockwise/counter-clockwise when holding Shift key and pressing Q,E. Added: Hold space in tileset tab now allows panning of the tileset if zoomed in. Added. Option to move crosshair to an object's origin point found in an object's menu when right-clicking an instance. Added: Rename object points except for the origin. Added: Subdivide tiles into columns and rows. Added: Pixel resolution and window size can be configured in the settings. Fixed: Sometimes applying a UV to an existing tile or copying the UV from a tile would accidentally draw or erase tiles if the mouse was dragged in the process. Fixed: Moving the origin point of a prefab object would cause issues when rotating tiles immediately afterwards. Added: Experimental normal map and height map image generation of prefab objects, accessed by right-clicking objects in the Scene tab. v.1.2.0b Fixed: Scenes would fail to load prefab objects if the scene had no single tiles placed. This would prevent the scene from loading everything. v.1.2.0 Added: Objects/prefabs can be constructed from tiles in the scene. This allows a greater control over how you can build your scene/model. You can edit one instance and see those changes occur in every other instance of the object. See the documentation for a full list of features related to Objects/prefabs, and to understand how to use them. Added: Layers have been added as a way to organize your objects. These can be added/removed in the Scene tab of the tileset window, and objects listed can be dragged into them. You can show/hide a layer, effectively hiding/showing the objects within them as well. Added: Combine Tilesets option in the tileset menu. Allows combining duplicate images. Added: Skybox images are now saved and loaded with projects. Added: Hide/show Skybox setting now gets saved in the configuration. Fixed: Paint bucket tool would not handle contiguous mode around edge of a selection. Fixed: Redoing the Removal of a tileset now doesn't clear the redo states. Fixed: Issue related to undoing/redoing the loading of a tileset and copy/pasting tiles that use that tileset is now fixed. v.1.1.0 Added: Paint tab with full set of paint tools for editing tilesets. Check documentation for details on how to use these new features. Added: Documentation howto.html file Change: version number to 1.1.0 due to the significant additions. Fix: Tile uvs wouldn't be updated in tileset window when tileset was resized, or when resize was undone/redone. Fix: Selecting a face wouldn't register if the mouse was hovering over a hidden vertex. Fix: Hidden vertices could be dragged accidentally. Change: Tileset images have their modified time cached. When refreshing, it checks if file has been modified after the cached time. Added: Auto-refresh Tilesets option in the settings. Tilesets will refresh every couple of minutes if changes have been made to the image files outside of Crocotile 3d. v.1.0.22c Fix: Replacing a tileset, switching to another tileset and then undoing would update the wrong tiles in the scene. Same case with redoing. This is now fixed. v.1.0.22b Fix: Gizmo would reposition tiles that were larger than 1 by 1 size. Fix: Moving a highlighted tile via the gizmo and then adding verts from another tile and moving via the gizmo wouldn't create separate undo states. v.1.0.22 Added: Refresh tilesets button in tileset window will refresh any tileset that was modified outside of crocotile3d program. This assumes a path to the tileset file has been located (saved scenes from previous versions of crocotile3d will need their tilesets replaced so that the paths to those files are recorded). Fix: Selecting tiles in first column of tileset wouldn't display the correct selection in the tileset window. Fix: Minimizing and then restoring tileset window would change window size. Change: Minimizing main window now also minimizes tileset window. Added: A button on main panel to toggle camera-based selection on/off and also act as a visual indicator. Fix: Undo/redo of remove tileset action wouldn't work correctly. v.1.0.21 Added: Arrows on 3d crosshair to move vertices/tiles while in edit mode. Can hold shift to move just the 3d crosshair. Added: Option in settings to turn off/on the crosshair arrows. Change: Rotating a tile UVs now readjusts size of tile if tile isn't square. Added: A message pops up if you are attempting to export with a tileset that hasn't been used in the scene. Changed: Tileset button and settings button now show an arrow to help indicate there is a menu. Fix: Sometimes the tileset window would not have the correct name in the title bar. v.1.0.20b Fix: Selecting multiple vertices or faces with lasso would not work. v.1.0.20 Fix: Camera far frustum plane wasn't being accounted for after orthographic projection feature was implemented. Now zooming takes into account this value, and it can be set in the settings. Fix: Sometimes every vertex would become selected if lasso selection was very small. This would happen inadvertently with occassional clicks. Fix: Copying UV(eyedropping a tile) would copy incorrectly if the tile were reversed/flipped/mirrored. Fix: Copying/applying UVs that were not square would copy/apply incorrectly. Changed: Adjusted speed camera pans when zoomed in. v.1.0.19b Fix: Camera aspect ratio wasn't being updated when re-sizing window. v.1.0.19 Fix: Some keys weren't working in the tileset input boxes. Fix: Tileset now remains pixelated when zoomed. Fix: Applying uv to reversed tile would sometimes apply incorrectly depending upon whether the edge was flipped. Added: UVs now show in the tileset window when faces are highlighted, and they can be adjusted by right clicking and dragging the corners of the UVs inside the tileset. Adjust the UV precision value to control the UV grid size that they snap to. v.1.0.18 Changed: Moved the grid rounding, tilesize, uv precision, split settings into the tileset window. Changed: Grid rounding is now measured by pixels per tile. This helps ensure vertices remain on the grid if a tile is split/cut. It also helps to align vertices to specific pixel increments. Added: ] and [ keys step up and down the grid rounding value. Fix: Undoing or redoing a rotation from a different camera angle would rotate incorrectly. Changed: Removed the floating interface since rounding setting is now in tileset. Moved the camera buttons to show at sides of window when in camera mode. Changed: Camera panning now adjusts speed when zoomed in. The more zoomed in, the slower it pans. v.1.0.17 Added: Tile splitting! Set tile splitting value in the settings. Value determines how many pixels are between splits. To split a tile in Edit mode, select tile and hit enter for active selection mode, hover mouse on tile and right click to bring up context menu. Select to split under Face menu to split the tile. Fix: Pressing enter would sometimes open save dialogue. Change: Tileset selection color adjusts based on whether tiles are light or dark. Fix: Sometimes vertices wouldn't get selected in camera-based selection mode if overlapping other verts. It now checks if vert is overlapping to help determine if it should be selected. Fix: Context menu not restoring focus completely after selecting item from menu. Fix: Accidentally deselecting tile when accessing context menu. Fix: Selecting text inside input boxes wouldn't work. Fix: Erasing or drawing over every tile that is in active selection mode now exits active selection mode. Fix: Deselecting no longer deselects faces that are in active selection mode. v.1.0.16 Fixed: Deleting tiles / undoing drawn tiles that are selected and then redoing them could cause inaccurate selections. Added: an Orthographic camera mode choice that is accessible in the options button. Added: Active selection mode(Enter key). With faces selected in Edit mode you can press enter to edit only the vertices on those tiles that are selected. v.1.0.15 Fixed: Exporting scene potentially caused vertices to be incorrectly positioned. Added: Can now resize tileset using a tile-based unit of measurement instead of pixels or percent. Change: Top-left is now default choice when opening tileset resize window. Added: Rounding setting can be selected via the floating interface under the Cyan button. v.1.0.14 Change: Adjusted closing procedures again in attempt to prevent tileset window from being closed. Change: Made mouse wheel zoom work outside of camera mode. Fix: New scene creating extra tileset window should be removed now. Added: Toggle camera based selection via B key. Fixed: Camera frustum far value now sets correctly when opening app. Fix: Tileset window could become hidden in taskbar if minimized. v.1.0.13 Change: Adjusted the closing procedures for the windows because Tileset window could be closed inadvertently. This should prevent closing tileset window. Change: Prevent click from occurring right after loading a scene or tileset. Added: Mode icon to top panel showing whether user is in draw/edit/camera modes. Also can click icon to switch between edit/draw modes. Change: Zoom should now only work in camera mode. v.1.0.12 Change: Improved camera movement from accidentally editing scene when releasing spacebar. Added: option in key/button settings to toggle camera controls (hit spacebar once to control camera, and again to deactivate camera controls). Default is holding spacebar to control camera. v.1.0.11 Fixed: Loading scenes wouldn't load tilesets into the tileset window. Fixed: Replacing tileset image with the same filename wouldn't refresh image. Fixed: AltGr now works for text input. v.1.0.10 Added: Skybox; select image, show/hide. Accessed from the configuration button in the upper right of window. Changed: Improved performance. Now only renders when there is a visible change to the scene. Added: skybox.png with zip to show basic layout of the image. v.1.0.9 Fixed: .obj export wasn't including normals data, which could prevent file from being imported in some apps. Change: Improved speed of selecting verts when using camera based selection. Fix: previous Mac versions may have prevented activation of save/load and export features. Added: window now checks to see if it is larger than available screen space and resizes/centers. This should prevent window from being stuck under taskbar on mac version. v.1.0.8b Added: f11 key to toggle fullscreen, and Esc key to quit. This should prevent mac users from being unable to exit fullscreen mode. v.1.0.8 Changed: Tilesets are now in their own window. Added: Zoom for tileset window. Added: Context menu in edit mode; right click to popup context menu. Changed: Can now only move selection while in edit mode. Changed: 3d crosshair gets set to rounding grid when rounding setting is changed. Added: undo,redo,more button on main panel. Added: Windows save position/size when app is closed. v.1.0.7 The previous fix for the vertex dragging caused a bug preventing multiple vertices being selected. Selecting multiple vertices should work correctly now. v.1.0.6 Mac version available! Fixed vertex dragging causing unclickable vertices. Fixed configurations not saving if pressing f1,f3 keys to close. Added show ruler option in config settings. Changed selecting UVs larger than one tile to now adjust the tile brush size. Added floating button interface (see notes about it). Changed color of crosshair to white and extended lines. Added dotted lines to origin in the negative direction. Added mouse button settings in key config window. *Floating interface: This is a simple interface allowing more controls to be accessed. The corner buttons toggle the actions of the center buttons, however at the moment only the white buttons have actions. The four outer white buttons rotate the camera, while the center button forces camera to look at the current selection. The circular button can be used to drag and position the interface. v.1.0.5 Added Undo/Redo ability with Tileset resizing. Fixed issue with resizing Tileset Image UVs. v.1.0.4 Changed Tileset buttons- placed add/replace/remove/resize/export inside menu button. Added Tileset resize options. Added Tileset export option. Added keyboard configuration settings (f3). v.1.0.3 Fixed a potential issue with the activation of the full version. v.1.0.2: Added center camera to selection (C key). Added dragging vertex to snap to another vertex (shift+mouseclick+drag). Fixed screenshots saving over previous screenshot. v.1.0.1: Fixed screenshot (f12) not saving. Fixed message not showing after activation.